Board Thread:General Pixel Gun 3D Discussion/@comment-35959574-20180731155528/@comment-35299860-20180922173415

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lol changed my setup. I found out how op fireball spell is. And i still have like 3 more upgrades to go.

Undertaker: Close Range, good firerate, cancerous, and fuunnnnn

Reaper: Armor Bonus, Spammy, cancer in siege

DFS: Mobility

Poseidon's Trident: Armor Bonus

Prototype S: I use this with Reaper, like, I fire one burst, and if even one shot lands, i can oneshot with prototype s. Also semi-cancerous

Fireball Spell: My favorite out of all of these, area damage, burning, fun to use, verrryyyyy funnnnnnnnnnnnn, and trolly. it's a 3shot kill