Clan Store

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The clan store is a recreation of the Armory added in the 17.0.0 update, but it was made for clans instead of the general gameplay. This store is separated into:

  • Chests
  • Offers
  • Weapons
  • Gadgets
  • Wear
  • Gifts


The 17.6.0 update introduced the new Restriction feature applied to new clan members, not allowing them to access the store. In order for the Restriction to be lifted, new clan members must have at least 5 days of experience in the clan, without being banished. After that, the store will be available to access.

To open a Clan Super Chest, the player has to wait for 5 days, the same as the Store itself.

Chests (Formerly)


The Chests section shows four types of chests.

Name Cost Weapon parts Modules Fort/tank object parts Coins
Small Clan Chest 600 Clan Silver 0 4 1-3 7-8
Medium Clan Chest 3000 Clan Silver 0 15 5-15 35-40
Large Clan Chest 15000 Clan Silver 75 60 25-75 175-200
Clan Super Chest 2000 points 125 240 50-150 875-1000



The Offers section shows a wide variety of offers that either cost gems or real-life currency. Offers include parts for fort objects, tank objects, modules, and weapons. The offers have a limited time and new offers come when the timer of the previous set of offers went to 0 seconds. However, the offers can be refreshed manually by spending 10 gems.

In the 17.5.0 update, the Silver Booster and the Heroic Goblin were introduced. The Silver Booster, which costs 100Gem.png, doubles the Clan Silver rewards for 9 hours, and the Heroic Goblin, which is $22, automatically collects the income of Clan Silver and Clan Valor Points for 7 days.



These are the weapons that exist in Clans and that are obtained by the success of the clan, which is simply by leveling up through clan divisions. Each weapon here requires obtaining 250 mythical parts to craft them.

Division Weapons
Wooden Division
Steel Division
Golden Division
Crystal Division


These are gadgets that exist in Clans and that are obtained by the success of the clan, which is simply by leveling up through clan divisions.

Division Gadget
Wooden Division
Steel Division
Golden Division
Crystal Division
  • Doesn't have



These are the skins and armors that exist in Clans and that are obtained by the success of the clan, which is simply by leveling up through clan divisions (just like with weapons).

Division Wear (& cost)
Wooden Division
  • Wooden Clan Armor (cost: 555 Coin.png)
  • Log (cost: 250 Coin.png)
  • Druid (cost: 200 Gem.png)
  • Oak Bot (cost: 350 Gem.png)
Steel Division
  • Steel Clan Armor (cost: 740 Coin.png)
  • Dragoon (cost: 350 Coin.png)
  • Iron Warrior (cost: 350 Gem.png)
  • Steel Man (cost: 450 Gem.png)
Golden Division
  • Golden Clan Armor (cost: 740 Coin.png)
  • King Of The Streets (cost: 450 Coin.png)
  • Mafia Boss (cost: 450 Gem.png)
  • Yakuza Agent (cost: 550 Gem.png)
Crystal Division
  • Crystal Clan Armor (cost:1350 Coin.png)



The gifting system is a section in which a clan member can receive gifts from the clan leader. Gifts include weapons, items and more.

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