Runic Sentinel

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The Runic Sentinel is a Melee weapon introduced in the 22.4.2 update. It is one of the 6 weapons in the Crystal Division clan set.


A crystalized sword and shield, Runic Sentinel is capable of killing numerous opponents simultaneously with it's ConsecutiveExplosions.png, and hosts the ability to not only heal health, but also armor.


Runic Sentinel Consists of a sword and shield, primarily constructed out of a blue crystal, similar to that of the other Crystal Division weapons. The sword's blade is shattered by the mid-section, with fragments hovering around, it has a gold hilt with crystal hilt guards protruding from both sides, with a red gem center of the sword. It also has a strange red rune engraved by the hilt, looking akin to other runes seen on Crystal Division weapons.

The shield takes the form of a face, with gold rims running around it's red eyes, with the crystal being it's facial features, being a beard and moustache. It can move around, and express feelings it's animation, but not while being swung.


When swung, the shield will rattle in your hands, and you will bring the sword down on the ground, causing damage to all standing in front of you. Take note that this sword has damage delay.


  • While it seems unbelievable, try not to get too close to the target, as the damage delay will render your strike worthless, and may miss.


  • Time your strikes, and stay relatively close (but not to the point of missing) so that you can deal maximum damage to them.
  • Considering that Runic Sentinel has Healing.png and ArmorBonus.png, it is the among (if not) the best healing weapons in the game. Use it while you're wounded.
  • This is the essential melee for Clan Raid as it can save you from death by supporting your physical wellbeing and simultaneously shield you from incoming damage.


  • As with most melees, stay away from Runic Sentinel users, as they can quickly finish you off with the wide AOE.
  • Remember that it also has DamageReflection.png, do not attack these players while your on low health, as most would overestimate their chances.

Recommended Maps

Equipment Setups

  • Bring a long range weapon, primarily a sniper, to finish off enemies at longer ranges.



  • Initial release.
  • Damage and mobility secretly increased.

