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The swings of this axe won't only disconnect the devices. And yeah, you've gotta charge it every 3-4 days.

—Disconnector's description in the Gallery

The Disconnector is a Melee weapon introduced in the 16.0.0 update.


It is a code-themed battle axe that emits a green projectile. It has high-end damage, a good fire rate, a good capacity and a good mobility.


It takes the appearance of a purple two-sided battle axe.

It has a grey handle with a neon blue knob, and yellow linings up to the head of the weapon. At the eye (top of the axe), it has a 2x2 Rubik's cube which powers the weapon. Each blade features neon blue connectors as the body and a neon blue edge.


Despite it being a Melee weapon, it has a completely different purpose compared to any other Melee weapon. When swung, the axe will launch a green projectile similar to the Laser Spear's one, allowing to be used outside close range. This performance is similar to some weapons in the Special section, including the Anime Scythe. Despite the armor bonus attribute, it has no armor bonus.



  • Since it has an armor bonus, use this to gain free armor.
  • Aim for the head to maximize damage.
  • It fires projectiles with travel time, meaning it is effective at short-medium range.
  • If engaging users at far distances, try compensating the distance over time by leading the target with your crosshairs.
  • The fast swing rate can output a considerable amount of projectiles, use this to keep melee charges at bay and to suppress enemies at long distances.
  • It has 901 rounds on use, meaning that you can treat this weapon as if it has infinite ammo.
    • However, this is no longer the case as of later update, since you will have 30 rounds upon start.


  • Pick off the user at long range.
  • Strafe while jumping to minimize the chances of getting hit.
  • Benefit from its low fire rate, since it allows you to dodge its projectiles easily.
  • Shotguns and weapons with area damage make quick work of users.
  • Avoid charging head on against users, instead flank around users.
  • Attack its users from behind while unsuspected.
  • Circle around its users so he will have a hard time aiming at you.
  • To counter a spammer, keep your distance while firing.
  • Rocket jump to avoid getting hit.
  • Rocket jump and finish off users with 1-2 shot weapons.

Recommended Maps

Equipment Setups

  • Have a fast firing weapon such as the Adamant Laser Cannon in case you miss, as this weapon has a rather low fire rate and a slow bullet travel time.
  • Have a flamethrower such as the Frozen Dragon to use as a melee, as this weapon takes up your melee slot, making you otherwise vincible to melee attackers.

Knife Party Ban

Despite the category of this weapon, it throws projectiles, defeating the purpose of a Melee weapon in the first place. Because of the weapon's performance, it is banned from Knife Party, primarily for balancing purposes. The player going to Knife Party with a Disconnector will have the Combat Knife equipped instead, but they can feel free to change the Melee weapon in the Armory before starting or during the match.


  • Initial release.
  • Its capacity was reduced.


  • Rocket speed increased by 50%.


  • It is the most unique melee weapon so far since:
    • It does not feature any form melee-type attacks, despite being in the Melee section.
    • It fires projectiles similar to those in the Special section, such as the Laser Spear.
    • It had unlimited ammo, reminiscent to pre-8.0.0 wands and bows.
      • However that changed later on
    • In the armory stats, it does not use "Attack Speed", instead listing as "Fire Rate" and also featuring a capacity of 1. (30 in game)
    • It is not allowed in Knife Party as it is ranged.
  • Despite having the Armor Bonus Attribute, it doesn’t really make sense why it has this.
  • It is dropped by and used by the Cubota 2 Champion in the Cubota 2 level.
  • This is the first melee that shoots projectiles, followed up by the Plasma Beast (later moved to special category) and Jet Spear.

Pixel Gun 3D

Pixel Gun World