Percival & Lamorak

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The Percival & Lamorak is a Melee weapon introduced in the 17.0.0 update. It is one of the 6 weapons in the Steel Division Clan Set. It is also referred to as "P&L".


It is a pair of silver gauntlets with a dagger attached to the front of each gauntlet. It has large damage, a slow attack speed and a very high mobility when dashing, but just when holding it, it still has a decent mobility.


The weapon takes the appearance of a pair of wrist-mounted daggers.

Each dagger features a metal gauntlet with a red thunderbolt worn around a player's wrist. The features a short silver/yellow-edged blade, and a yellow gemstone embedded on top of the gauntlet.


The player charges up the weapon every time they attack to increase the damage and dashing property, making the player traverse a certain location at a high speed. The player swings the gauntlets to be able to hit enemies in close range. The higher the charge, the higher the damage and dash.

When the attack button is held, the charge meter will appear on screen. The time required to be fully charged is relatively slow, about 4 seconds, more than other charge shot weapons. How much the meter is filled will determine how far the player will charge.

This weapon is a Non-delay Weapon, meaning it doesn't have any sort of delay animation when switched to, nor does it give delay to other weapons when switched from (like every other melee weapon), meaning you are able to Melee Switch with this weapon.

Its dash movement is slightly faster than Last Cry's dash allowing you to outrun even Last Cry users (assuming you are skilled at using the weapon to its full potential).

The Shiv can reduce charge time of this weapon, allowing it to reach full charge faster. The higher the module level, the faster the charge time.



  • It is extremely powerful if used with the immune to long range damage module effect.
  • Use the dash ability to do surprise attacks.
  • This weapon is extremely useful if attacking during Escort, as dying results in being sent back to the spawn whenever the tank is far ahead.
  • Due to its high damage, low attack speed nature, one should time attacks in between to avoid getting caught in a battle during the cooldown period.
  • It can potentially one-shot enemies if they are directly hit by a dash attack.
  • The dash attack can be useful in objective-based game modes such as Point Capture or Flag Capture. Charge towards the where the enemy's point is and let go of the attack button whenever there is resistance or defenders.
  • Target unsuspecting players such as snipers then finish them off with a Primary or Heavy weapon.
  • Use this weapon in Raid because it's dash ability can help you to finish the game much quicker than without this melee.
  • Do not use this in Flag Capture because if you use this while carrying the flag it will drop right away, so be very aware of that.
  • Unlike other dash weapons, it has no delays. Use this as an advantage to switch to this weapon so you can escape or dodge attacks faster.


  • Pickoff its users from long ranges.
  • Area damage weapons and shotguns can quickly finish users off.
  • Use a slowing weapon in case its users are in dash mode.
  • Avoid getting too close to the user, keep your distance and backpedal while firing.
  • Attack its users from behind.
  • Stay on the air away from its users' direction so they will just waste time and effort trying to dash towards you.
  • Strafe around while jumping to avoid getting into the path of the user, use a high mobility weapon such as the Elder Force Saber and the Double Cashback.
  • Use the Reflector gadget so as to ensure that the user will end up killing himself in killing you.
  • Try taking cover behind an object to have the user run into the object instead of hitting you.
  • If they have the long range immunity module active, use a high mobility weapon to get as far away as possible and wait it out, or use the Shields Penetration weapons of Last Word module combination.

Recommended Maps

Equipment Setups

This can work well with a one-shot close range weapon such as shotguns or the Ghost Lantern/Soulstone as it allows the user to quickly get close and personal with enemies.



  • Initial release.


  • The crosshair was modified.


  • Nerfed the dash effect by adding gravity and not allowing players to glide anymore, however this does not apply to Campaign and Arena mode.


  • It now needs a longer charge time, along with its dash attribute nerfed.


  • You can no longer escape with the flag with this weapon in Flag Capture anymore. The flag will drop when you attempt to escape with it
  • Damage increased by 33%.
  • Mobility increased to 75.


  • This is the second weapon that has Dash Attribute, the first being Sly Wolf.
  • It is the fourth Melee to have the Charge Shot attribute. The other four were introduced as follows: the Sword of Shadows was first, the Jet Tenderizer was second, the third introduced was the Runic Hammer, and the latest being Last Cry.
  • Like most weapons in the Steel Division Clan Set, both Percival and Lamorak are references to the two knights of the Round Table.
  • A glitch made it change its Dash attribute to Shield.
  • Prior to update 17.5.1 it could be used to Glide in multiplayer modes, a Hidden strategy that involved constantly dashing to travel horizontally.
  • This is the first dash weapon that doesn't have any delay mechanics. The second being the Last Cry.
