Ice Paws

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Ice outside, fur inside. Don't worry, you won't catch a flu while using these gloves.
Made of ice form the peak of Cubebrus.

—Weapon description in the Gallery

The Ice Paws is a Melee weapon introduced in the 15.7.0 Christmas update. This weapon was a limited Trader's Van weapon and could only be bought in a period of 14 days.


It is a pair of icy fists that attack and slow down opponents in close range. It has good damage, decent attack speed, and decent mobility.


Its appearance is somewhat based off of the Power Fists. It is themed towards the Christmas invasion period along with some other 'ice' weapons that look alike e.g. Yetti Spirit or Necklace of the Ice King. It has a similar shape to the Power Fists, except it has 3 long light blue spikes coming out from where the 'knuckles' would be inside the weapon.

At the top of the upper arm section of the weapon, there is an ice spike sticking out, and at the top of the lower arm section, there is also a spike. The whole weapon is also ice-colored, with a couple of small grey and black sections.


The player has the pair of paws equipped on their arms. When the attack button is pressed, the paws will punch damaging anything that comes close. Since this is a melee weapon, it can only attack players in close range. It can slow down the target when hitting them, making them temporarily have reduced mobility.



  • Keep a small distance away from the opponent for this has an outstanding range for a melee weapon.
  • Use this like the Power Fists or Steampunk Fists.
  • Useful for discouraging enemies from fleeing due to its slowing ability.
  • To maximize the mobility, equip the Berserk Boots and give this weapon the Blood Thirst module combination.
  • Use this when you're cornered due to its range.
  • It has a high attack speed, damage, and slow down attribute. Use it to your advantage against area damage melee users.
  • Spam this in Knife Party to get easy kills and points.


  • Pick off its users from long ranges.
  • Use a one shot weapon (preferably a heavy like the Big Buddy in short ranges or a sniper like the One Shot in long ranges) to kill the user before they kill you.
  • You can counter its users by using the Reflector (Gadget) to discourage them from hitting you.
  • Ambush from behind to get an advantage in terms of health and armor.
  • Use the Singular Grenade or the Eraser to prevent the user from advancing to you, and use a long-range weapon to finish it off.
    • The Sticky Candy is a lesser choice, but it still slows them down.

Recommended Maps

Equipment Setups

A good combo is with the Ultimatum, Laser Revolver, Reflector, Comet and any Heavy gun you prefer.


  • Initial release.


  • Damage increased by 15%.


  • The design is somewhat based off of the Power Fists.
  • This weapon, along with Jet Tenderizer and Runic Hammer, have 2 hitboxes.
  • It is one of the most powerful melees in the game.
  • It was available for a couple of days in the Gallery glitch along with other weapons in the 16.6.0 update.
  • The Ice Paws were in the Trader's Van for a day during the 17.1.1 update.
    • It appeared again in the Trader's Van during 22.5.1 update.
  • If you aim near the enemy, it does 98 damage, making it a 3 shot kill but 2 shot which is depending on your wear and modules.
  • This and the Laser Rings are the only weapons whose non-direct damage are greater than its direct damage.
