Crystal Bow

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The Crystal Bow is a Sniper weapon introduced in the 22.4.2 update. It is one of the 6 weapons in the Crystal Division Clan Set.


Crystal Bow is a powerful weapon, that has a large AOE and will dominate small maps, and large wide spread areas. It deals a continuous stream of damage, that can outright kill someone in one fully charged blow.


Once again , constructed from the blue crystals that make up all the Crystals Division weapons. The wings are built from crystal spikes, with golden rims holding a blue bowstring. The hilt is made from more gold plating, and a red cloth present on the grip. With red runes, synonymous with the rest of the Crystal Division weapons etched by the hilt. The arrow is made from the blue crystal, and has an elongated tip.

You charge up Crystal Bow by the character pulling back the arrow against the bowstring. When maximum charge is achieved, the arrow's tip will begin explode in a continuous, blue fireball. You then fire it at the enemy, causing a massive storm of crystal shards to rain down wherever the crosshair was.


The fast ChargeShot.png and instant kill properties make Crystal Bow a ludicrously dangerous weapon. The AreaDamage.png is insane, and can even clip enemies through walls. But to ensure an instant kill, it should be fully charged up. It also has very fast travel time.



  • Strafe will using it, making you a hard target to hit.
  • Standing atop roofs in maps will give you an easy overview on all players. Do not worry about the lack of scope, as the AOE can still hit them regardless.
  • Unlike most ChargeShot.png weapons, Crystal Bow's is very fast. Running to hide won't be much of a priority here.
  • You can get enemies through walls with the AreaDamage.png.
  • Do not attack enemies that are too close to you as the AOE can also damage you.


  • Killing theses players quickly is essential. As you'll more than likely underestimate the ChargeShot.png time.
  • Get up close to obstruct their aim as much as possible.

Recommended Maps

Equipment Setups

In case you get rushed, use a powerful shotgun, such as Rune Buster, to quickly dispose of enemies.



  • Initial release.
  • Damage secretly increased.

