Impulse Sniper Rifle

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An interesting fact: the battery for this impulse rifle can charge a medium electro-car (and you will still have 1-2 shots in the mag)!

—Weapon's description in Gallery

The Impulse Sniper Rifle is a Sniper weapon introduced in the 9.4.0 update.


It is a futuristic, long silver sniper rifle that shoots turquoise blue lasers at a fast fire rate. This weapon has high Efficiency, high fire rate, good capacity, and low mobility. It is 2-3 headshots and about 5 body shots.


This gun has a silver and gray color scheme. The lenses have a red ruby-like color. The magazine is a gray color and shows turquoise blue stripes, the handle is a gunmetal grey color and the barrel is a color similar to iron armor.


The rifle shoot turquoise blue lasers are visible for a much shorter amount of time than Prototype and even Anti-Hero Rifle lasers. These bullets can pierce through players and are shot as single shots. Moreover, this weapon possesses a 10x zoom optic sight which has a red ruby-like colored scope that allows the player to fight and snipe players in a long range.

When reloading, the player takes out the magazine, puts another one and triggers the bolt. It has no delay mechanics.



  • The high fire rate can empty a magazine fast and have slow reload, make sure only fire when you spot a target,
  • If absolutely need to spam the shots, wear Cowboy Hat and max Sniper Cape.
  • Take advantage of piercing shot, as it can shred enemies within a short burst.
  • To do so, get your targets into linear position and fire away.
  • Max out this weapon to your level (if high) for it to be useful in higher levels.
  • Aim for the head to increase Efficiency per shot.
  • It should be used as a high priority rifle, the rifle's high ammo cap, and fire rate should be monitored as it can drain itself quickly, and its mobility is also not good.


  • Taking cover is recommended when engaging a player with this weapon, due to the weapon's lack of ability to break through walls. Also, be sure to use a wall-break sniper so that way you can shoot through the wall such as the Anti-Champion Rifle. Be advised when using the Railgun to do the job, as the large recoil could cause it to misfire.
  • Attack the player with a high damaging, high fire rate weapon, whilst moving around.
  • Catch the sniper in close-quarter combat.
  • This weapon has a low amount of ammo, so rush the sniper after they fire off a good amount of rounds.

Recommended Maps

Equipment Setups

Equip a fast-firing weapon, in case of any close encounters and finish of weakened targets.



  • Initial release as a rentable weapon.


  • It was not rentable for iOS.


  • It is no longer rentable, but instead, it is buyable and once bought, it will be permanently available in the player's inventory.


  • Its firing sound was the same as the "Sunrise". However, it was changed in this update.


  • Whenever the player continues firing, this weapon could damage their device's speaker as of this update (one must lower their volume).


  • It received a new animation for firing.


  • The rifle itself has a strong resemblance to the MK 14 EBR Marksman Rifle.
  • The word "Impulse" in the gun's name is a reference to in-game consoles commands, the "impulse" command kills off all NPCs in the game instantaneously, which might refer to the Impulse Sniper Rifle's terrifyingly high damage. It could also reference the fact that this weapon, like the Impulse Rifle, seems to use energy as ammunition.
  • It was one of the four rentable guns in the game, the others being the Assault Machine Gun, Exterminator, and Stinger.
  • To rent this weapon it used to cost 6 Gem.png for 24 hours, 14 Gem.png for 3 days, and 22 Gem.png for a week.
  • This weapon's magazine in terms of lore and history is very strong, because according to the Gallery, the magazine can fully charge an average electric car and still have 1-2 shots in the magazine.
  • Despite the fact that there is no bolt, the player takes out the magazine, puts another one then triggers the bolt, as if it was a regular sniper.
  • The Guardians in Clan Raid uses this weapon.
  • This weapon has the shortest lasting laser when shot in the entire game.
  • This weapon actually has the Piercing Shot attribute despite it not being shown in the armory.

