Crossbow (PG3D)

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This article describes a Pixel Gun 3D weapon. If you're looking for the same weapon in Pixel Gun World, see Crossbow (PGW).
Medieval times are here! An arbalest with increased tension able to pierce through an type of armor, even the heavy. High accuracy has its disadvantage though - slow attack speed.

—Weapon description in the Gallery

The Crossbow is a Sniper weapon in Pixel Gun 3D introduced in the early updates.


It is a simple wooden crossbow that shoots arrows. This weapon has instant travel time and deals good damage (2 shots headshots), has a very low capacity, medium rate of fire, and decent mobility.


It is a wooden handheld crossbow with a gem bow stretched around it. It appears to have a gem tipped bolt loaded into it. There is a small gem ring around the handle, along with a gem trigger guard.



This weapon silently shoots arrows with diamond tips with instant bullet travel time, although the bullet comes out of the gun half a second after firing. Despite this weapon being in the sniper category, it has no scope that allows it to fight in long range.

It uses the single-shot system so it has no reload animation. It has no delay mechanics either.


Formerly, it shoots an arrow with wall break. It also had infinite capacity, large damage and a very large hitbox.



  • This weapon is very good for ambushes as it does not make much noise.
  • Use it to weaken/finish off targets.
  • Aim for the head to maximize Efficiency per shot.
  • Time your shots as this weapon has very limited ammo.


  • Pick off its users from long ranges.
  • Stay in a medium range far from a player equipped with this, try not to get close.
  • Its users can be easily picked off from long ranges
  • Use a high fire rate weapon in case they are making unpredictable movement patterns whilst approaching you.
  • Use area damage weapons to easily destroy users.

Recommended Maps

Equipment Setups

Use weapons with the ability to Rocket Jump to find high and hidden places, then use the Crossbow, to shoot your enemies.


Early Updates

Initial release.


This weapon (and its upgrades) used to have infinite ammunition and wall breaking properties along with the Wizard Wand (and its upgrades). These weapons were formerly known as "magic weapons"; however, due to community feedback, these properties were removed.


This weapon is 2 shot headshot maxed out. But when you upgrade this weapon to mythical, it becomes a 1 shot headshot.


  • It's based on the crossbow used in medieval times.
  • This weapon was formerly called the Royal Crossbow.
  • When the player runs out of bolts, a crossbow bolt is still loaded into the crossbow.
  • In Sniper Forts, this weapon is not allowed and this is replaced by one of your Sniper weapons.
