Dark Deer Bow

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The Dark Deer Bow is a Sniper weapon introduced in the 22.0.0 update. It can be obtained from the Divided Santa Set.


It is a Christmas-themed bow with a charge shot and weakening ability, as well as its own unique ability Target Freeze. This bow is similar to Dragon Bite, as it needs to be charged in order to fire it, but does less damage than the bow. It has a decent mobility and rate of fire, but a very low capacity of 5.


It appears to be a otherworldly bow, with one end being made of ice, and the other made of darkness, and connected by a candy cane and two bells. Both ends of the bow appear very jagged, with both ends giving off some kind of mist/aura: Ice side gives off a chilly aura, and dark side giving off a dark aura. The icy side of the bow can be seen shining every now and again, and the dark side showing stars glimmering as if it were a night sky. The string of the bow appears to be made of darkness up to the center where it's cut off by ice. The arrow itself looks similar to that of weapons like the Full Moon Rifle, Fireflies Blessing, Branch of Wisdom, and Eternal Light. When fully charged, a small, repeating chime can be heard.


This weapon shoots an arrow that can be charged. The more the arrow is charged, the more damage it deals. Just like the Dragon Bite's arrow, the Dark Deer Bow's arrow has instant bullet travel time and area damage. This arrow can weaken players and slow them down, with the slowing effect getting stronger over time.

It is a bow, so therefore it uses the single-shot system and has no reload animation.

Unlike the Dragon Bite, Dark Deer Bow only has Input Delay (Receives Delay) and does not have Output Delay (Gives Delay), meaning that when you fire a weapon with Output Delay (Sparkling Horn, Exterminator, Thunderer, ect.) and switch to it, it receives delay, however, firing it then switching to a Input Delay weapon will not give that weapon any delay. The duration of the pull-up time is determined by the Dark Deer Bow and the weapon's fire rates respectively.



  • Like any charge weapon, charge it above half to deal massive damage
  • The new freezing ability is currently unknown as to how it will perform
  • Charging this weapon above 75% can one-shot on head
  • While the weakening effect is nice to have, it is best utilized at 25% or 50% charge, as your opponents will not only be low on health, but will be weakened for a short time
  • Make sure you're keeping an eye on your surroundings, as the charge time is very quick with this weapon, meaning if you're quick enough, you can kill multiple players in rapid succession
  • Like most charge weapons, play defensively with this weapon
  • Make sure to pick up ammo frequently, as it only starts out with 5 arrows and fires quickly


  • Utilize a high mobility weapon, such as Double Cashback, to avoid getting shot
  • A high damage dealing Heavy weapon will quickly eliminate users of this weapon
  • Use a scoped sniper to kill users from afar. Due to this weapon being a bow with no scope, most users are unable to hit their shots from far away.
  • While it is possible to rush Dark Deer Bow users with the right equipment and due to it's lack of ammo, it's best to try and flank the user with a high mobility weapon to get the advantage.
  • If you are hit by a shot from the Dark Deer Bow and manage to survive, it's best recommended to quickly escape with a gadget like Jetpack or Time Machine, weapons with the PullingTowardsTarget.png attribute, or a weapon with a good rocket jump.

Recommended Maps

Equipment Setups

· Lenses module is not needed for this weapon, as it does not have a scope.

  • It is possible to 3catspam with this weapon, but it is best to have Poison Darts or Necklace of the Ice King to prevent the Input delay of the Dark Deer Bow
  • This weapon runs low on ammo quickly, so it's best to either pick up ammo or have Supply Airdrop equipped as a back up weapon to reduce any time wasted trying to get ammo for Dark Deer Bow



This weapon was introduced in this version.


  • It is part of the Divided Santa Set, along with the Reflected Santa Sword and Otherworldly Wanderer.
  • It is the 4th charge shot Bow in the game, the first three being Professional Bow, Dragon Bite, and Bow Soul Card
  • It has a faster charge time and fire rate than all the other charge bows, making it the fastest charge shot bow out of all 4 bows
  • When idling with the weapon, when your avatar removes the arrow from the string, the bells will jingle and shake a little.
