Poison Darts

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A weapon that shoots poisonous darts. You will be amazed but some people still use it in the time when there are nuclear pistols and laser rifles. We believe that 50% of damage is dealt with sarcasm.

—Poison Darts's description in the Gallery

The Poison Darts (often referred to as simply The Darts) is a Special weapon introduced in the 14.1.0 update.


This special category weapon is a prehistoric themed blowgun donning some leaves and feathers. When firing, the player holding it blows into it and a dart with no travel time exits. Once darts hit the enemy, they give poison and slowdown effect to the enemy. When shooting, there's small delay before releasing the projectile. This weapon deals high damage, has decent fire rate, has no reload, and very high mobility. It's a two shot on the body with poisoning, and a one to two shot on the head.


The weapon takes the appearance of a wooden blowgun.

The weapon consists of a brown tube with green plant matter (possibly leaves) wrapping the exterior of the tube, and three feathers (orange, purple, and blue) at the front of the tube.


This blowgun shoots out a poisonous dart with instant bullet travel time, a small hitbox and high damage. This blowpipe has a poison effect, making the opponent lose more health because of the poison effect.

This weapon has a single shot system, so technically, it doesn't have a reload like a gun with a clip, though it has a limited number of shots. It has no delay mechanics.

Since it has no delay mechanics, it is a great weapon for Three Category Spam. It is useful since it can be switched from an output delay weapon and immediately shoot without any delay and be switched to an input delay weapon without giving a delay.


This weapon deals a high amount of damage, has a medium fire rate, a medium accuracy, good ammo capacity and high mobility.


  • The poison can be used to weaken enemies. This can be combined with a fast firing Primary weapon to finish off poisoned enemies.
  • It offers high mobility, making it effective when strafing around enemies and traversing long distances. The mobility is the same as the Elder Force Saber, Dark Force Saber, and many other Melee weapons.
  • Aim for the head to maximize damage.
  • This weapon is best used in medium ranges. Due to the lack of a scope, and the low fire rate, the dart blower is best used with some distance between yourself and others.
  • It's optimal to stay behind cover and peek out to shoot a dart, then go back under. The poison is very effective combined with the high damage.
  • Watch your capacity; it's easy to waste ammo.
  • It's best to have the high ground on your enemies.
  • You can Three Category Spam this weapon if you have the right pattern as of the 16.6 update, because the weapon doesn't have delay with most guns.
  • Keep your crosshair on the enemy's head post-fire, as there's a delay before firing.


  • Wide hitbox and high damage shotguns make quick work of users.
  • When hit, retreat back to cover until the Slow Down Targets attribute expires.
  • Constantly try strafing; the fire rate of the weapon, the decently low accuracy, and small AOE makes it hard for your opponent to hit you. Keep in mind that as soon as one of the darts hits you, you'll be severely damaged as well as slowed down.
  • Engage its users in a long range attack because there is a range limit.
  • Try to sneak behind the user and finish them with a high damaging shotgun or melee. (Ultimatum, Viking, Heroic Epee, Thermal Mecha Knife, etc...)
  • Whenever you see someone with this weapon out, they are most likely a Three Category Spammer, use cat-spamming counters if so. The Blindness effect is great at this.
  • Block their shots with Sly Wolf or Spirit Mask, or a barrier weapon like Excalibur.
  • Use Stealth Bracelet, Barrier, or Denied! for their purposes against this weapon.


Information Image
  • Name: Dragon's Fury
  • Cost: 200 Gem.png
  • Grade: Legendary
  • Released: 18.1.0

Recommended Maps

Equipment Setups

  • Use this in combination with either a fast firing Primary or Backup weapon or a high damaging weapon such as a Sniper. Poison the enemy first then finish them off while they are immobilized
  • Use Astral Wand to boost your movement speed, which, paired with the already swift mobility of this weapon, will cause your enemy to miss many of their shots.



  • Initial release.


  • The weapon is buffed to the point of being able to one shot someone.


  • The glitch with the "Slow the Target" attribute is fixed.


  • The weapon was buffed the same day the Necklace of the Ice King was put in the community Trader's Van. This was meant to balance out users as the necklace is a very wanted and popular weapon for 3 Category Spam. Due to the fact there would be many users using this in the days to come, they buffed this weapon by 20%. However, the developers did not announce the changes as they still wanted sales of the Necklace.
    • It was announced in an announcement afterward that it was buffed by 15%.


  • It was given a skin to celebrate Halloween; Dragon's Fury


  • It was removed from the Armory along with other prehistoric weapons.


  • This weapon returned in the Armory again along with other weapons.



  • Damage decreased by 4.29%.


  • This weapon actually has limited range as proven in the Polygon. Some people prefer the Necklace of the Ice King over Poison darts due to this fact.
  • During the 15.1.0 update, this weapon was buffed to the point where it can almost one shot players.
  • In the 19.1.0 update, this weapon returned and can now be purchased in the Armory.
  • For some reason, in Free Play this weapon doesn't seem to be able to hit shots.
