Mr. Mixer

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Shake and stir. The longer you pull the trigger, the harder you strike!

—Weapon description in the Gallery

The Mr. Mixer is a Special weapon introduced in the 16.0.0 update. It is part of the Cookie King Set that includes: Cookie Minigun, Mr. Mixer, and Big B's Oven. After collecting the whole set, you get increased Jetpack efficiency.



It is a pistol that shoots a charged cookie projectile. This weapon has very good damage when charged to the max, a slow fire rate, a small capacity, and decent mobility.


It takes the form of a mixer/gun combo.

It is mainly red, with a cookie decal on the side. On the back, it has a mixing compartment with a silver mix whisk on the top.

At the front, it has a grey barrel with a yellow tip.

When the fire button is held down, the mixing compartment will close and the barrel will begin to spin. When released, a barrage of cookies will be launched.


This weapon shoots a cookie projectile with a fast bullet travel time. This cookie projectile deals more damage the more it is charged. When charging, there is a sound that is emitted. It also has area damage on impact, it acts like a rocket and it temporarily slows down the target on impact.

When reloading, the player appears to put a piece of chocolate in the weapon.

It has Fixed Delay. This means that once the player switches from any weapon to this weapon, the Mr. Mixer will always have a pull-up delay lasting around half of a second.



  • Aim at a group of multiple enemies.
  • Use this in close to medium range for a less complicated duel and also due to its bullet travel time.
  • You can hit the ground spot that is near your opponent because this has area damage.
  • Go for the weakened players for better ammunition conserving and quicker kill registering.
  • Keep yourself accurate because it is hard looking around without keeping a charged shot.
  • When they are slowed down, use a sniper or shotgun to finish them off.
  • Like most charged weapons, the charged attack will release upon death, this can be useful as a suicide attack when low on health. However, it is not recommended if you go for more killstreaks.


  • Pick off the user at long range.
  • Staying airborne as much as possible will limit the window of getting one-shot.
  • The fire rate is slow, so try jumping and flanking players who use this.
  • Try to escape the user when hit, rocket jump away.
  • Attack the user when they are charging up for an attack. It is better if you do so from behind.
  • Warning: This weapon's projectiles will be released if you kill its user while he is charging.

Recommended Maps

Equipment Setups

Equip a good close-range weapon.



  • Initial release.


  • Capacity increased from 15 to 25.
  • Rocket speed increased by 40%.
  • Area of Effect radius increased by 17%.


  • Rocket speed increased by 94%.
  • Charge speed increased by 24%.


  • Ammo increased from 25 to 35.


  • This weapon, as well as the set itself, is a reference to Bigbst4tz2.
