Death Claws

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It is hard to hit someone with it on high distances, but these guys bite till it bleeds. Was it a someone else' denture that bit me?

—Weapon's description in Gallery

The Death Claws is a Special weapon introduced in the 13.3.0 update.


It is a bulky weapon that shoots dark purple traps that pierce through players, that can slow them down and make them bleed. It has good damage, a high fire rate, good capacity, and decent mobility.


It appears to be a re-skin of the Trapper.

The weapon overall has a very bulky design. It consists of a dark purple and pressure tank, a black handle and fires bear trap-like projectiles, which emits a dark cloud around it. The handle is a big silver bar, and the machine itself has a big clip-like compartment for the claws.


This weapon launches dark purple traps that leave a visible dark trail. These projectiles have a fast, but not an instant bullet travel time. These traps can also pierce through players and make them bleed, which means that they temporarily lose extra health. Moreover, they can slow down the targets, temporarily reducing their mobility.

When reloading, the player takes out the box of traps and replaces them with another one. It has no delay mechanics.



  • Use its special ability which slows a target down to increase your team's damage output or for yourself.
  • Aim for the head, as this weapon can near instantly kill weak-armored players.
  • Most weapons have problems due to the weapon blocking projectiles.
  • Avoid being too close to walls, the traps will hit it and decreases effectiveness.
  • Claustrophobic (tight) spaces may help you easily kill your target(s).
  • Try to pick off user at close range.


  • Pickoff its users from long ranges.
  • Strafe a lot, as this weapon's projectiles are slow enough to be noticed.
  • This weapon's projectiles block bullets infinitely, meaning it is impossible to kill or harm the user unless you ambush them from behind or use a weapon that has the wall break effect such as the Prototype.
  • Attack its users while he/she is reloading.

Recommended Maps

Equipment Setups

Carry around a high-mobility weapon to easily chase targets and avoid snipers.



  • Initial release.


  • This weapon got removed from the Armory.


  • Damage increased by 26.67%.
  • Ammo increased to 12.
  • Headshot damage added.

