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The Shockorizer is a Special weapon introduced in the 22.6.0 update. It can be obtained from the Anime Season Vol.2 Pixel Pass.


Shockerizer is a pokémon themed special weapon that can usually 3 shot kill body and 2 shot kill head when maxed out. It has decent fire rate, good enough capacity for its fire rate, and average mobility of 65. It is similar to laser bouncer and reflector, but with slightly less damage and higher fire rate, and a fixed delay of about half a second.


Shockerizer is an average sized weapon with red and yellow color scheme. There are pikachu ears attached to the red scope(the scope functions as the enemy detector). A lightning shaped yellow casing covers the sides of the gun throughly, and occasionally creates sparks. The weapon also produces sounds that can be associated with electricity or energy when held by the player either armory or during matches.


When Shockerizer is fired, it shoots a yellow laser that ricochets off of walls twice.

When reloading, the character pulls out its magazine and strikes the lightning-shaped front of the gun with it causing sparks, similar to what using flint and steel looks like. The magazine is then put back into the gun.



  • Try to shoot perpendicular to the walls so that enemies have a chance to get hit twice with ricochet
    • You can position yourself to put your opponent between you and the wall in a right angle
  • As Shockerizer has Electric Shock attribute and does not give delay, you can hit an enemy with this weapon and switch to a strong single shot weapon to finish them off while their movement is disrupted. Be careful when trying to repeat this method however, as this weapon has fixed delay.
  • The scope of this gun shows the directions of the nearest enemies, which can be useful in certain maps with many spots to hide.


  • As this weapon takes a few shots to kill, one shot snipers such as Harsh Punisher can kill the users easily.
    • Requires good aim and modules preferably above levels 7 or 8.
  • As Shockerizer users can benefit from its ricochet attribute the most when the opponents are on same level of height(e.g. on ground), jumping around will give them a harder time hitting you.
  • Stay in open space to minimise the chance of getting hit by ricochet.

Recommended Maps

Equipment Setups



  • Initial release.


  • Damage increased by 9%.


  • Mobility reduced from 65 to 55.


  • The overall design is based from the Pikachu from the Pokemon franchise.
  • Despite having a scope, it does NOT work.