Sacrificial Altar

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The Sacrificial Altar is a Special weapon introduced in the 23.1.0 update. It can be obtained from the Dark Woods Spirit Lottery. It is one of three weapons in its set along with the Bloody Terror Axe and the Terror Spreader.


The Sacrificial Altar is a Satanic/Cult themed weapon which fires red projectiles with travel time at a somewhat slow fire rate. It has good damage, average capacity, decent attributes, and good mobility. The weapon is typically a 1-2 shot kill.


The Sacrificial Altar takes the form of a helmet, adorned by two large spiraling horns and a ring of spikes around the crown. The base of each horn is encircled by its own smaller ring of spikes, and the black protective areas of the helmet are decorated with red patterns, including an eye symbol seen on every weapon in the set. A heart is suspended above the top of the helmet, similar to the Terror Spreader. The heart beats and spews small specks of blood while the weapon is viewed in the armory or held in game.

The gun is mostly black and red, with small silver accents visible on the rings of spikes.

The gun's idle animation consists of the player shifting the weapon back and forth between a one and two handed grip, while occasionally rotating the horns and fiddling with the suspended heart.


Pressing the fire button will cause a red projectile with travel time to be fired, shrinking the heart on top of the gun slightly and causing it to glow during the weapon's recoil animation. Bullets explode into specks of blood on impact, dealing area damage in a decently large radius for a special weapon. During the reload of this gun, a cloud of dust and spikes appears around the player, dealing damage to nearby enemies. The heart is then removed from the gun and replaced, replenishing the weapon's ammunition.

This weapon has no delay mechanics.



  • The Sacrificial Altar's low fire rate and lack of fixed delay means that this weapon is best suited for use in a 3 Cat Spam loadout. Unfortunately, the travel time combined with a likely 2 shot kill means that this gun is not very effective.
  • When in close proximity to enemies, be sure to make use of the DealsDamageDuringReloading.png ability as it deals a significant amount of additional damage without the need to aim or consume ammo.
  • If an enemy is using a weapon with an annoying effect such as Weakening, Charm, or Electric Shock, holding this weapon can be helpful in countering them.
  • As this gun applies no status effects, the Voodoo Doll module is ineffective and need not be equipped unless attempting to use the Shock module combo.


  • Do not approach its users head-on or even ambush them when they are reloading.
  • Do not rely on effects such as Weakening, Charm or Electric Shock to protect you, as they will be nullified.
  • A long range weapon such as a good sniper can help in dealing with a player using this weapon.
  • Try to jump to avoid shots and use an area damage weapon to take out the user.
  • Keep your distance from an enemy using this weapon, as it is difficult to use at longer ranges due to its travel time.

Recommended Maps

Equipment Setups

Equip this weapon as part of a 3 Cat loadout due to its lack of delay mechanics. A high-damaging sniper such as the Anti-Champion Rifle or Ancestor's Curse along with a strong backup such as the Sparkling Horn or Tick-Tock Pistol can function well with this weapon. The Sacrificial Altar is more difficult to use than alternatives such as the Necklace of the Ice King or Poison Darts due to its travel time, but the special attributes it possesses do give it the potential to be a viable no delay special, of which there are not many.

Any combination of gadgets will pair well with this weapon.



  • Initial release.


  • Damage increased by 15%.
  • Capcacity supply increased stock from 6 to 12.


  • This is the first weapon to ever feature an attribute that shuts down all incoming negative status effects.
  • The weapon may be loosely based of of the Horned Helmet of King Henry VIII, which features similarly structured spiraling horns.