Electric Arc

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An infinite electrical beam ignores almost any obstacles in its way and slices through as many enemies as you want. Looks extremely futuristic!

—Weapon's description in Gallery

The Electric Arc is a Special weapon introduced in the 12.0.0 update.


It is a blue and brown gun that shoots a white-blue laser. It has good damage, a fast fire rate, high capacity, and average mobility. It is 12 - 13 shots with deadly accuracy.


It is a primarily blue weapon with brown, yellow, and white details. There is a yellow electric symbol on its battery, neon lights on both of its sides, and on the brown handle. When fired, it shoots a blue laser of electricity.


The weapon, with its deadly accuracy, shoots a white blue laser with a high fire rate, a lot of ammo and high damage. Since this is a laser, it is visible to the opponent and other players. Moreover, the laser has instant bullet travel time just like most weapons that shoot bullets and lasers.

When reloading, the battery is taken out and is replaced by a spare one. It has no delay mechanics.



  • Aim for the head of targets to maximize damage.
  • This weapon is perfectly accurate at long range. This can be used to eliminate snipers, albeit with difficulty without a scope.
  • It has a large ammo capacity, but use it wisely when attacking groups of enemies, as the ammo can be drained very quickly.
  • This weapon always travels directly down the center of the cross-hair. Be sure to aim first at opponents before taking aim to conserve ammo.


  • Move around a lot and stay mobile, or even rocket jump if you need to. The weapon's pinpoint accuracy can be a disadvantage when fighting against mobile opponents.
  • If you have to retreat, do so while returning fire, as the Electric Arc offers decent mobility to chase you down with.
  • Equip armor if you can/already haven't. This weapon will mow down unarmored opponents in the blink of an eye.
  • Be sure to find cover to avoid getting burnt to a crisp, (common sense, really).
  • Use gadgets such as the Reflector or the Denied! to make users less interested in killing you.
  • Most enemies don't stop firing the weapon when attacking groups of enemies, so avoid the laser beam as good as possible and attack when the enemy has to reload.
  • This weapon stops being a threat in the higher Leagues, at which point you need to start worrying about its Champion-themed version, the Champion Electric Arc.

Recommended Maps

Equipment Setups

Ensure that you have ample ammo on your other weapons, for when this one inevitably runs out.



  • Initial release.


  • This is based on the Lightning Gun from Quake 3 Arena.
  • When killing another user in Multiplayer, they will turn to ashes and crumble into pieces. The same animation is used for Frag Grenades and some other pyromaniac weapons.
  • The Champion Electric Arc is this weapon's more powerful reskin.
