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The Represser is a Special weapon introduced in the 19.0.0 update. It is part of the BLOQ Head Event Set.


It's a futuristic themed laser rifle that is somewhat is identical to the Restructurer by it's attributes. It has a high firerate, high capacity, and semi-high mobility.


It appears to be a large, futuristic energy cannon that shoots a stream beam of light blue energy. It’s mainly dark gray and light blue in appearance, with several cosmetic sights.


When the fire button is held down, the weapon will automatically fire a light blue beam of energy. The beam will pierce through multiple enemies, and will inflict SlowsDownTarget.png.

When reloading, the user will eject the used energy cell and insert a new one.



  • In hallways or places where there are many enemies, take advantage of this weapon's hidden Piercing Shot attribute, and burn through.
  • Try strafing while aiming to prevent enemies from hitting you when engaged in a firefight.
  • While shooting the beam, aim at an opponent quickly if the initial shot was released into the air.
  • Make use of its ability to slow down targets and prevent them from jumping to melt through their armor and health when they are vulnerable.
  • Use this against Jetpack users as it has Disables Jumps so they won’t be able to fly.


  • Pick off the user at long range.
  • Keep in mind that the player can move the beam and continue to shoot automatically.
  • Strafe away from the beam and get behind a wall or obstacle to avoid taking further damage.
    • Try to keep doing it, as it will continuously make the opponent lose ammunition.
  • The beam gives away the player's location, so use this to surprise them from behind.

Recommended Maps

Equipment Setups



  • Initial Release.


  • Capacity increased from 35 to 50.


  • Damage increased 6%
  • Capacity increased from 50 to 75.
  • Mobility increased from 55 to 75.


  • Damage increased by 14%

