Proud Eagle

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The eagle is proud because he could mark 20 enemies within a single match.

—Weapon description in the Gallery

The Proud Eagle is a Sniper weapon introduced in the 16.6.0 update. It is currently obtainable from the Universal Champion Event Set along with Brave Lion and Sly Wolf.


It is a golden sniper rifle with the target mark attribute that shoots bullets. It has very good damage, a medium fire rate, a good capacity, and slow mobility. It is a 1 shot headshot and a 1-2 shot body kill when maxed out paired with high modules and wear.


The Proud Eagle features a body shape similar to the Spider Sense, besides for the buttstock and scope. It has a white with gold-detailed design, with a tad bit of dark blue and red. A blue and silver banner with a gold crown is seen hanging behind a short barrel, ending with a relatively large muzzle brake.


It is a sniper held with both hands that shoots a blue bullet. Moreover, this weapon possesses a scope so it can be used in long-range, although it shouldn't be sprayed and prayed, as it loses accuracy while doing so.

The Target Mark attribute on this sniper works differently than on other weapons. It requires the user to "lock on" to the target using the scope by keeping the crosshairs lined up with the enemy while aiming down sights.

When reloading, four cyan gauges at the bottom are taken out then put back into the gun.


  • Crafting with 250 Mythical Gearicon.png.
  • Buying with 1000 Tickettrans.png via the Gallery (Unlock at lv10).



  • Headshots are key in dealing more damage.
  • Since it features a target mark attribute, it is useful for detecting enemies that are hidden.
    • Your teammates can also see the marked enemy, so use this to help them.
  • Switch to speedy weapons in case you want to go fast.
  • Use the scope to engage enemies at long distances.
  • In Duel mode, use the target mark to mark your opponent and see where they are, making it easier to spy them if they are hiding.
  • Use the Steel Hands and Muzzle Brake module combo in order to decrease its recoil, so you will have better accuracy.
  • Even though this weapon is generally 2 shots, it deals much higher Efficiency per shot when you get a headshot.
  • Its recommended to use this weapon in mid range instead if not using scope due of strangely large spread for a sniper


  • Avoid getting hit by its users since they will detect you if you do so.
  • Counter with a one-shot sniper/weapon, as this weapon is a two-shot weapon.
  • Any close-ranged weapons can beat its users since this weapon is ideal for long-range encounters.
  • Area damage weapons can easily disorient its users.
  • Flank these users with a high DPS weapon.

Recommended Maps

Equipment Setups


  • Initial release.
  • Damage increased by 65%.
  • Ammo decreased to 8.


  • It looks similar to the Spider Sense.
  • It is the first weapon to have the Target Mark attribute the second being Deadly Stings.
    • However its Target Mark is different from each others. While you need to charge up to mark somebody with this weapon, you only need to hit somebody to mark them while using Deadly Stings.
  • After this weapon was buffed by 65%, it is a fast 1-2 shot kill weapon with high capacity, making this weapon somehow op (overpowered).
  • It became accessible in tournaments meaning that this weapon is recommended to use due to its high damage and good capacity, and became one of the most powerful weapons in this mode.
  • It has a secret slow down the target ability, but it is unnoticeable.

