Last Hope

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The rifle was the last weapon to defend Fort Box. If it wasn't for this rifle and a lucky shot into a gasoline tank of a helicopter with enemy squad, the Fort and surrounding grounds would be captured.

—Weapon's description in Gallery

The Last Hope is a community-created Sniper weapon introduced in the 13.5.0 update. This weapon was created by Jordi Villanova.


It is a silver and blue sniper rifle that shoots regular bullets and possesses a scope. The Last Hope deals high damage, has a slightly low fire rate, low capacity, and surprisingly good mobility. Surprisingly, it can 1 ~ 2 shot headshot and 2 ~ 3 body shots a max-armored player, which contradicts its stats.


It is a reskin of the Elf's Revenge with similar color schemes of the Future Police Rifle. It is silver and blue in general. It has a blue-white barrel and a red front sight on it.

Its magazine is blueish-white and its handle has some white and yellow bits. The scope mounted on the top of the weapon has yellow on its ends with primarily white coating.

The scope's lens' are blue with a green hue. The body of the weapon features more dark gray to the stock. The stock's end is coloured yellow.


The weapon is held by both of the player's hands. It can shoot 6 regular bullets at a decent fire rate before having to reload. These bullets have instant bullet travel time. This weapon also possesses a 8x scope which allows for longer-ranged battles. When spawning in, the player is given two extra magazines.

When reloading, the magazine is taken out and is replaced by another one. It has Input Delay, which means it gives delay to output delay weapons.


It does very high damage (1-2 shot), fast fire rate for snipers, middling capacity, and very fast mobility.


  • Take advantage of its good rate of fire, it is one of the fastest shooting sniper rifles in the game
  • It is recommended that you either practice or have a decently good aim due to the fact that this weapon will require a lot of skill and aim.
  • Hide behind something when reloading, as this weapon does not have a fast reload speed.
  • This weapon actually has a very high mobility, so you could, in theory, use this to run away from people, similarly to how you would use the Elder Force Saber. This would also give you the advantage since this has the speed of the elder force saber, but it could be used at a distance.
  • It can be used for Three Category Spam, as it doesn't have a delay when you switch to this weapon.


  • Try strafing around before unskilled users can aim you.
  • Skilled players are always a problem. As the slow reloading time will no longer be a problem for them. So always get covered and get a ranged area damage weapon and fast mobility primary weapon to increase the chance of taking down the users.
  • Use a fast firing gun, as this weapon has a moderately slow firing rate.
  • Jump around to confuse the enemy with this weapon, and then eliminate them with 1 shot kill weapons or Area Damage weapons.

Recommended Maps

Equipment Setups

Equip an automatic/laser weapon/high firing rate as this weapon is rather slow-firing and inaccurate at close ranges. e.g.: the Electric Arc, Automatic Peacemaker, etc.



  • Initial release.


  • It received a new animation for firing and reloading.


  • This weapon is a reskin of the Elf's Revenge. However, the original design of this weapon wasn't intentionally a reskin of the Elf's Revenge, but Cubic.Games decided to turn the concept into a remodel of the Elf's Revenge.
    • As it's a reskin of the Elf's Revenge, it's also based on the VSS Vintorez sniper rifle. However, the Vintorez is semi-automatic, not bolt action like the Last Hope.
  • This, along with Multitaskers, the Soul Thief and the Good Doctor are the 2018 weapon contest winners.
  • This weapon is one of the only weapons having the 8x zoom scope, the other being the Laser Crossbow and Heavy Sniper Rifle
  • This weapon is a generally better than the Elf's Revenge. Due to this weapon being a reskin, it originally cost coins instead of gems and has the highest damage compared to its original.
  • "Fort Box" in the weapon's description is a reference to Fort Knox, a US military base that houses a large portion of the United States' official gold reserves.
