Brutal Rainbow

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The Brutal Rainbow is a Sniper weapon introduced in the 21.1.0 update.


The Brutal Rainbow is a sleek silver sniper rifle of the Mythical grade that deals high damage, with a decent capacity, fire rate and slow mobility. It also has the ability to inflict the Blindness.png on enemies.


It is a futuristic-looking railgun has rainbow lights inside the barrel and a gray body with the word 'BRUTAL' on it. It has a small rainbow magazine underneath the main part of the gun, and a light blue transparent sight with crosshairs included on the top of the weapon.


When the fire button is pressed, a rainbow laser Laser.png is fired from the barrel, and it can go through walls/wall break WallBreak.png and blind a foe Blindness.png. When reloading, the player pushes the barrel down, launching the magazine. Then the player puts a new magazine into the gun and suddenly moves the gun upward, closing and securing the barrel.



  • Aim for the head to maximize damage.
  • Use the scope at long ranges. Its high magnification makes it useful for precise aiming at these distances.
  • Use this to decrease the enemy's ability to see effectively.
    • This is especially useful against enemy snipers where a single hit can cause them to lose sights on your position.
  • Try strafing while aiming to prevent enemies from hitting you when engaged in a firefight.
  • If an enemy survives the shot, finish them off with a Primary or Backup weapon.
  • Its WallBreak.png ability is useful for attacking enemies behind objects such as walls and behind cover.
  • It is recommended to equip a Melee weapon when travelling around the map.
  • Avoid sticking to one sniping spot as users can track the weapon's lasers to its source.


  • If engaged in a sniper duel, take time to aim.
  • Area damage weapons and shotguns can quickly finish users off.
  • Strafe around the user while firing to avoid getting hit.
  • Try to wait until the user is out of ammo, then attack while they are vulnerable.
  • It fires a noticeable laser, keep an eye out for the source of the laser as it may indicate the general area of where the user may be.
  • Flank around the user with a shotgun or melee weapon and attack them from behind.
  • Avoid being caught in the open when there is a sniper, stick to cover and locate the sniper then attempt to countersnipe them with your own.
  • Flamethrowers and shotguns can be useful for quickly killing users at close range.

Recommended Maps

Equipment Setups

Carry around a high-mobility weapon to easily traverse around the map and finding sniping spots. A primary or backup weapon to finish off weakened opponent.



  • Initial release.


  • Damage reduced by 5%.
  • Its Blindness.png attribute was reworked to make it less intense for people sensitive to flashing lights.


  • Damage increased by 4%.
  • Capacity increased from 7 to 8.


  • Damage increased by 8%.


  • Capacity increased to 10.


  • The sound effects of the weapons shares a strong resemblance to the Gift Stitcher.
  • Upon release, the Blindness.png attribute on this weapon caused someone to experience a seizure due to the brightness and intensity of the effect. In a later patch, the intensity was reduced.



Sound Effects

Other Languages

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishBrutal Rainbow