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The Morgana is a Sniper weapon introduced in the 17.0.0 update. It is one of the 6 weapons in the Steel Division Clan Set.


It is a silver encrusted sniper that shoots an ivory-colored laser beam. It has good damage, a slow fire rate, average-low capacity, and decent mobility. It uses a crystal/metal for ammo that it squishes while you use it; if it is a metal, it could be real gold. If it is a crystal, it would be unknown because crystals can't usually be squished flexibly.


It takes the appearance of a long-fantasy themed sniper rifle. It has a silver/yellow stock, a grey pistol grip, a yellow trigger, and a silver/yellow body. On the bottom of the weapon, it has an exposed yellow energy crystal that acts as the ammunition source for the weapon. It features a grey and yellow scope mounted on top and a long silver barrel with a yellow muzzle.


This weapon fires a visible ivory-colored laser beam with instant bullet travel time that will pass through every object, given that it has the WallBreak.png attribute. This beam can also disable the shot opponent's ability to jump for a few seconds thanks to DisableJumps.png. Moreover, this weapon possesses an 8x zoom optic sight that allows it to fight better in a long-range.

When reloading, the player takes out the light yellow clip from the bottom and replaces it with another one. It has good damage. It is generally a one shot to the head and a 2 shot to the body.

It has both Input and Output Delay, meaning that it gives delay to some weapons that are associated with Three Category Spam like the Thunderer and the Reflector, while also receiving a delay if those weapons were shot, then quickly switched to this weapon.



  • Aim for the head to maximize Efficiency per shot.
  • Use any Dash Weapon to get close to the target before firing for better accuracy.
  • Use the scope at long ranges. Its high magnification makes it useful for precise aiming at these distances.
  • Try strafing while aiming to prevent enemies from hitting you when engaged in a firefight.
  • If an enemy survives the shot, finish them off with a Primary or Backup weapon.
    • The weapon's ability to disable jumping helps with aiming for weakened targets.
  • Its Wall-Break attribute is useful for attacking enemies behind objects such as walls and behind cover.
    • Keep in mind that when shooting through a wall, its damage is reduced.
    • However, that will stop the enemies from jumping because of the Disable Jumps attribute.
  • Avoid sticking to one sniping spot as users can track the weapon's lasers to its source.
  • If you are using this in Sniper Fort, make sure to pair this with the Cowboy Hat and max Sniper Cape to reduce reload time.
  • If your opponent survives a shot from this weapon, use the DisableJumps.png attribute as your advantage by quickly attacking an injured enemy with a high-damaging Automatic weapon like the Royal Fighter, because he/she will be very vulnerable to your rapid attacks.
  • Use the Three Category Spam to maximize efficiency.


  • If engaged in a sniper duel, take time to aim.
  • Area damage weapons and shotguns can quickly finish users off.
  • Strafe around the user while firing to avoid getting hit.
  • Fully automatic weapons can easily destroy its users if they missed their attempted shot on you due to the low fire rate.
  • Try to wait until the sniper reloads, then attack while he/she is vulnerable.
  • It fires a noticeable laser, so keep an eye out for the source of the laser as it may indicate the general area of where the user may be.
  • Grab a cover, as the sniper's Efficiency gets reduced dramatically if penetrates through the wall. The more solid object its projectile passes through, the more its projectile damage is reduced. Take advantage of that.
  • Flank around the user with a shotgun or melee weapon and attack them from behind.
  • Avoid being caught in the open when there is a sniper, stick to cover and locate the sniper then attempt to counter snipe him/her with your own.
  • Flamethrowers and Shotguns can be useful for quickly killing snipers at close range.
  • Use the Reflector to give its users a karma.
  • Using the Morgana yourself can be the last ditch.
  • if you don't own the Morgana, outsnipe the user with the Prototype S, Anti-Champion Rifle or any high-damaging sniper weapon.

Recommended Maps

Equipment Setups

Carry an Automatic/Shotgun weapon to finish off a weakened opponent.


  • Initial release.


  • The laser beam spread of this weapon is increased.


  • Mobility increased from 65 to 85.
  • It turned out to be a bug and now it's mobility is back to its original state. (65)


  • Its damage was reduced by 8%. (actually 23%)


  • Damage increased by 6%.


  • Unlike the weapons featured in the Steel Division Clan Set which were named after knights of the Round Table. The weapon is named Morgana le Fay; an enchantress in Arthurian legend.
  • Despite shooting a yellow-orange laser, the death animation shows the victim being disintegrated into blue dust.
  • This sniper has the same structure appears as the Call of Sirens with the attributes of the Royal Marriage Officiant, with the Area Damage and Charm effect. The zoom is replaced with the Morgana's Disable Jump ability, leaving the zoom attribute hidden.
  • Like all Clan weapons introduced in and after 17.0.0 Update, it has a unique crosshair.
  • It is the first weapon to have the Disable Jumps attribute to not posses Fixed Delay.
  • Due to it's nerf, it is no longer the highest damaging sniper with instant travel time. It will now deal less damage than a few other mythical snipers. However it’s attributes make up for its nerf.
  • Despite being Nerfed by 8%, it was actually nerfed more than 8% ironically.
  • This weapon is very popular for the infamous Three Category Spam, due to its high damage, though, while using the tactic, make sure to use the Laser Cycler to prevent delays when switching from sniper to special to backup and repeat.

