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The unstoppable laser beam won't be stopped even by the reflecting armor plates. It is made for those who don't want to run and ready to accept the fight. On your conditions, of course.

—Weapon's description in Gallery

The Thunderer is a Backup weapon introduced in the 12.5.0 update.


Its color scheme can be attributed to more of a villain themed weapon. It deals high damage for a Backup weapon. It has decent fire rate. It has low capacity and mobility. It has a 2x Scoped.png and can shoot though walls.

It's a better re-skinned version of Exterminator. Like Exterminator, the magazine and rail represent an eye and a mouth. However, this does more damage, but it has slightly less mobility, significantly more recoil and dispersion. It's more expensive than Exterminator.


It is a railgun that resembles a revolver. It has a burgundy handle with a burgundy bottom. The base is dark gray and orange, the ammo pack is orange, the 2x Scoped.png is burgundy with a red crosshair (it's not red, but white when aiming down the sights), and the tip at the end is red-orange.

Despite being a railgun, the back of the weapon has a hammer, which is part of a revolver.


When shooting, the gun which is held by the player's right hand and emits a yellowish-orange laser beam with instant bullet travel time that pierces through walls. It deals high damage. When penetrating through walls, its damage decreases. It also features a 2x Scoped.png for long range.

Whenever the player shoots the weapon, the hammer at the back moves, which is the same for any other revolver.

When reloading, the player flips out the barrel, takes out the existing ammo clip, puts in another one and flips the barrel upwards, locking it in place.

It gives a delay on some weapons that are associated with Three Category Spam like the Anti-Champion Rifle and the Reflector. It also receives a delay if those weapons were shot, then quickly switched to this weapon.

Thunderer in use



  • Use it just like the Exterminator, but with lower accuracy and higher crosshair dispersion.
  • Use the Scoped.png to aim for the head. It's best in mid-range combat and ambushes due to its low firing rate.
  • The WallBreak.png can be utilized to kill players who try to break for cover.
  • This can be paired with an X-RayVision.png weapon, such as Harsh Punisher or Sakura.
  • Always aim on the head for maximum efficiency per shot.
  • This weapon is ideal for Three Category Spam, because it doesn't have delay with some weapons. However, be aware of input and output delay.
  • This weapon's crosshairs expand dramatically when fired, so have good aim when you make your second shot.
  • If it doesn’t one shot opponents, use another weapon with high damage, such as Necklace of the Ice King to finish off the opponent.


  • Run around enemies in close range and attack with an AreaDamage.png weapon to mess up their aim.
  • Try to jump around the player to make them miss shots and have to reload, then attack them while they are reloading.
  • Due to the slow firing rate, use a high fire rate weapons, such as Golden Friend or Storm Trooper Exoskeleton.


Information Image
  • Name: Techno
  • Cost: 100 Gem.png
  • Grade: Epic
  • Released: 16.4.1
  • Name: Monster
  • Cost: 100 Gem.png
  • Grade: Epic
  • Released: 16.4.1
Thunderer being fired

Recommended Maps

Equipment Setups


This weapon is undoubtedly one of the most popular weapons in the game. When it is accessible to many players (like in the Armory at a cost that many players can afford), many players would want to buy it due to it's high damage. It is often loved and wanted by many players, but others dislike it due to its performance and/or its popularity.

Some of the old players originally used the Exterminator because that is the first backup weapon to have a similar performance of being a mini-sniper that shoots a laser that goes through walls. Then, when the 12.5.0 came out, players started using the Thunderer, which has a similar performance to the Exterminator. Though, nowadays, both weapons are pretty much used equally.

However when the Thunderer got buffed by 25%, people generally used it more since it deals more damage than the Exterminator. However, many players prefer the Exterminator due to its better accuracy.

It is also one of the most wanted weapons in the game, along with Ultimatum and Harsh Punisher, when it got removed from the Armory, many players were disappointed that it got removed and did not obtained it from the armory, but however, when it comes back to the Trader's Van for a limited time, it made the players happy and they and obtained this weapon with coins, but however, in the update as of March 2, 2021, it was back in the Armory along with other weapons, making this weapon accessible to obtain again.

However, in the same 21.1.0 update were they brought back Thunderer in the Armory, it got Nerfed by 12%, making this weapon somewhat lose popularity but however, it still does more damage than Exterminator, which is still good to use.



  • Initial release.


  • Its combat level was changed to 13 and could be upgraded twice to a combat level of 15. It was buffed to one shot a max-armored player, unlike previous updates where it could not.


  • The weapon is no longer obtainable through the Armory.


  • The weapon's damage was increased by 25%.



  • It was brought back in the Armory.
  • Its damage was reduced by 12%

  • The weapon is no longer obtainable through the Armory


  • Like the Exterminator, the revolver-styled hammer at the back of the "receiver" is unnecessary due to the weapon being Laser-powered.
  • In real life, firing this weapon or the Exterminator would effortlessly break your arm due to its devastatingly high recoil.
  • In the 21.1.0, it was brought back in the Armory, along with other weapons.
  • This weapon would not even be considered a true railgun due it firing no physical projectile.
