Blacklight Pistol

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The Blacklight Pistol is a Backup weapon introduced in the 22.4.0 update. It can be obtained from the Event Horizon Lottery.


The Blacklight pistol is a Mythical backup weapon that can be obtained from the event horizon lottery. It can slow down targets, break through walls and has the laser attribute.


The Blacklight Pistol is a backup weapon that is somewhat of space themed with its main colour being dark purple. There is also yellow and very little white. Overall, the shape of this weapon is somewhat similar to the Thunderer or the Exterminator, due to all 3 weapons being pistols and having a railgun themed barrel. The top part of the barrel has a purple-ish space themed background as the main part of the top. On the outer side of the top, there is a "Shell". The shell is purple and the tip (front) is yellow/gold. The rear of this weapon has 3 spheres that notably represents a few planets. The largest one resembles Earth. There is a blue one which might represent Neptune. The last and smallest one is orange which might represent Mars. Moving lower, there is a notable rotated square in the middle which is outlined purple and white on the inside. The handle of this weapon is purple and has yellow outlines. The last cosmetic feature of this weapon are the floating purple pieces of unknown matter.


The Blacklight Pistol has a high DPS, average capacity and a good mobility. When fired, this weapon emits a white laser that has wallbreak and can slow down enemies.



  • Use this weapon like Sparkling Horn, or Fake Pistol.
  • Use Fortune module combo for more effective kills.
  • Aim for the head.


Recommended Maps

Equipment Setups



  • Initial release.


  • Damage increased by 8%



Backlight Pistol In Use..png