Alien Blaster

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It looks like a fringe pistol of some sci-fi cosplayer, but that's not true. Pull the trigger and you will see a tracer that connects your gun and the head of your enemy.

—Weapons description in Gallery

The Alien Blaster is a Backup weapon introduced in the 10.1.0 update.


It is an alien themed pistol that shoots a light blue laser beam with the Ricochet attribute. It possesses high damage, medium fire rate, average capacity, and good mobility.


It is similar to the Alien Rifle, but it has a moving, hovering scope that is not functional. Its magazine, which is a bright blue and blackish box, is on the back of the pistol. It is composed mainly of white and shades of blue. The magazine is a cyan and light blue color. There are also small cyan particles protruding from the tip of the gun. It's white handle which the player holds rests on the bottom of the pistol.


This weapon emits a light cyan laser beam with instant bullet travel time (hitscan) that is visible to opponents. This laser beam can bounce through walls and can pierce through playersPiercingShot.png.

When reloading, the magazine is taken out and is replaced by another.

This weapon has Input Delay and Output Delay. Meaning, that it receives a delay if those weapons were shot, then quickly switched to this weapon, and also gives a delay to other Three Category Spam weapons. It receives delay from all Sniper weapons.



  • Use this in close to medium range due to this having a scope that does NOT work, unfortunately.
  • Use this in hallways where it is crowded with players, so you can get multiple kills due to this having the Piercing Shot attribute.
  • Sneak up on your targets for easy kills.
  • This weapon, the Alien Bouncer, and the Alien Sniper Rifle have no travel time, unlike the other alien weapons.
  • Aim for the head to maximize the damage.
  • Aim for weakened players for better ammunition conserving and quicker kill registering.
  • Don't stop dodging left and right while jumping and attempting to get a kill, especially against weakened players who use weapons that aren't the best against strafers.
  • Firing this weapon continually will result in poor accuracy. To fix this, time your shots so you shoot a little bit slower, then simply hold the fire button down. If done right, the weapon's accuracy will be almost perfect again.
  • This can be used for Three Category Spam, although it does have a delay when switching with quite a few weapons and only certain combinations work.


  • Attack the user in large open areas, as it's Ricochet attribute becomes useless in open areas, forcing its user(s) to shoot the enemy directly.
  • Pick off its user(s) from long ranges, due to its poor accuracy, but beware if the user has had it and learned how to use it anywhere you may not be able to counter.
  • Use area damage weapons against its user(s).
  • Get behind a wall of obstacle, where this weapon cannot reach you.


Information Image
  • Name: Blocks!
  • Cost: 300 Gem.png
  • Grade: Legendary
  • Released: 16.5.0
  • Name: Portalium Blaster
  • Cost: 100 Gem.png
  • Grade: Epic
  • Released: 16.5.0
  • Name: Reactor
  • Cost: 200 Gem.png
  • Grade: Epic
  • Released: 16.5.0

Recommended Maps

Equipment Setups

  • Bring an area damage weapon since this weapon has no area damage.
  • Equip a fast firing Primary weapon, such as the Vandals.


  • Initial release.
  • This weapon's accuracy has been nerfed, resulting in a much higher recoil per shot. The accuracy was later improved.
  • Efficiency was reduced from 15 to 13.
  • This weapon has gotten severely nerfed. Instead of the original 2 headshot kill, now it requires 3-4.
  • It received new weapon skins.


  • This weapon got removed from the Armory


  • This weapon was added back to the Armory along with other weapons.


