Storm Trooper Exoskeleton

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Exoskeleton that belongs to the assault squad of Earth. The best choice when it comes to battles in the gravity different from the one we have on Earth. For aiming you just need to look at the target.

—Weapon's description in Gallery

Storm Trooper Exoskeleton is a Primary weapon introduced in the 13.4.0 update. It is one of the four exoskeleton weapons originally introduced.


Storm Trooper Exoskeleton is a Mythical Grade Primary weapon introduced in the 13.4.0 update. It has good damage, an average firerate, high capacity, and low mobility. It is a 4-5 shot kill when maxed.


It takes the form of a dark grey exoskeleton. The main system unit is light grey, which is connected to light grey joints of the two dark grey/orange arms carrying two Impulse Rifle styled guns.

The user fires the weapon with two control sticks, connected to the main system.


The user will fire two high-accelerating, semi orange and yellow plasma bolts straightforward from two of the blasters mounted on the back of the exoskeleton simultaneously by controlling hand-fitting controllers and pushing two red buttons on top at the same time.

When reloading, the user will push the blasters forward before quickly swapping two new mounted batteries to the slots.



  • Use this in close to medium ranges, because this weapon lacks a Scoped.png.
  • This weapon has the slows the target ability, so you may use this on players that are trying to get away or are using a Jetpack user as this will not allow them to fly higher. However, jetpack users will be a harder target to hit.
  • Shoot opponents with this weapon because it takes away their ability to jump. When they are an easy target switch to a weapon with area damage and that will one shot, such as the Big Buddy or Heart of Volcano and shoot them before the slow effect wears off.
  • Aim for the head to deal even more devastating damage to the enemy players.
  • It has a fast reload speed, making it easy to eliminate multiple targets.
  • Because this weapon's guns are positioned above the user's head, they only appear in the top corners of the screen. Because of this, this weapon provides you with an almost unobstructed view of the battlefield, making it tremendously easier to aim.
  • Rocket jump into the air then shoot down your enemy below for a swift kill.


  • With the SlowsDownTarget.png, it will slow you down tremendously.
  • Try strafing and dodging the enemies with a high mobility weapon, such as the Dark Force Saber. Outmaneuver these users in corners and take cover behind walls.
  • Engage its users in long ranges for a safer kill.
  • Snipers at a long-range could easily take these users down.
  • AreaDamage.png weapons can mess up their aim and allow you to hit these users easily.
  • Rocket jumping can be used to make opponents miss shots.


Information Image
  • Name: Santa's Helper
  • Cost: Obtainable from the Trader's Van; cost depends on level
  • Grade: Epic
  • Released: 17.1.1
Santa's helper storm trooper exoskeleton.png

Recommended Maps

Equipment Setups

It is a weapon best effective in slowing down enemies, so using weapons in which projectiles take time to land a hit can be useful. In addition, this weapon is also useful in finishing off wounded enemies during a firefight.



  • Initial release


  • Weapon's capacity got nerfed from 90 to 70.


  • Weapon's capacity became 90 again.


  • The recoil from this weapon was completely removed, but its capacity became 60.


  • Its capacity was nerfed to 50 and mobility became 50.


  • Damage increased by 29%.


  • According to the developers in the Gallery description, after they added all the first four exoskeleton weapons as a weapon class, they needed to rework the model of the player; "It required us to postpone the update for a week". 
  • The reload audio is similar to the Impulse Rifle.
  • As it is an exoskeleton weapon, this cannot be used in the Free Play game mode.
  • Contrary to popular belief, the name “storm trooper” is not based off the Star Wars storm trooper, but rather ww2 german soldiers, who were also called Storm troopers.

