Heavy Shotgun

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It is VERY heavy. Before you take it to your gallery, you will need to workout a bit.

—Weapon description in the Gallery

The Heavy Shotgun is a Primary weapon released in the 9.0.0 Christmas update.


It is a dark gray shotgun that shoots a spread of bullets at a high fire rate. It has average damage, a high fire rate, decent capacity, has a good bullet dispersion, decent mobility, and a slow reload.


Like its real life version, the Heavy Shotgun has a gunmetal body, barrel, grip, stock, carry handle, muzzle, and magazine.


The Heavy Shotgun shoots a spread of bullets with instant bullet travel time and a high fire rate. It is very powerful and best effective at close range. Firing in short bursts can save the player a lot of ammunition. The range is actually very good, but the damage isn't. It is 3-5 shot on the body depending on range, and 2-3 shot on the head.

When reloading, the player takes out the clip of bullets from the weapon's back and is replaced by another. It has no delay mechanics.



  • Since this is a shotgun, use this at close range.
  • The weapon has low mobility so it's recommended to switch to a different weapon while moving.
  • Useful for crowd control if paired with Singular Grenade.
  • Aim for the head to maximize damage.
  • You can wear speed-up hats, such as Burning Tiara, to greatly increase your offensive potential.
  • Play on small maps e.g. Pool Party, where this weapon works best.
  • In close ranges, it is possible for one to hold and fire, but never do this before you get near the opponent, as most of the shots wouldn't reach the opponent.
  • Pair this with a triple laser spam set, so you can easily finish off players who you have hit with a laser without spamming your lasers again.
  • Have a good aim, it is easy to miss shots with this weapon, since the bullet range is slightly farther than other shotguns.
  • Stay mobile while wielding it.
  • This weapon is a hard counter against Melee users.
  • Pick off users at a close range.
  • Try to aim for the head.


  • Pick off its user(s) from long ranges.
  • Try outmaneuvering the enemy by strafing around while firing.
  • Area damage weapons can make short work on its users.
  • Attack from behind, so he will have a hard time to react.
  • Luring the user into open areas where this weapon is useless gives you advantage.
  • As this gun has low capacity, try to waste your opponent's ammo by simply running around and jumping, preferably while using the Ninja Tabi (PG3D) or Berserk Boots.

Recommended Maps

Equipment Setups

Having a sniper in your sniper category slot and a high mobility weapon that will allow for effective Gameplay in any situations.



  • Initial release.


  • The weapon is removed for unknown reasons.


  • This weapon now has a max combat level of 17, which was the highest combat level in the game.


  • This weapon's damage increased by 3%.
  • Damage decreased by 20% and ammo supply increased from 15 to 20 for Battle Royale only.
  • Damage increased by 15.58%.


  • Damage increased by 6.74%.


  • It is based on the Pancor Jackhammer, a prototype Bullpup automatic shotgun designed in 1984.
  • It was removed including its upgrades in the 11.4.0 update for unknown reasons.
  • This weapon and its upgrades appear to be reskinned as a Pixel Gun, which seems to fire one bullet at a time, instead of a spraying pattern. This weapon on the user's screen still shoots the spraying pattern.
  • Its reskinned (yet less powerful) counterpart is the Rhino, introduced in 14.0.0 update.
  • Despite it being a "Heavy" shotgun (especially with what was said in the Gallery), it has a mobility of 65, which is basically an average mobility. There are weapons with a mobility of 50 and look less heavy than this weapon, like the Pixel Gun.
  • Its reskinned variant the Rhino, has a higher mobility as it isn't as "Heavy"
  • Its Gallery description is accurate to its real life counter part saying that it is very heavy even though its in game mobility says otherwise.
  • Its name is a reference to how the real Pancor Jackhammer was very heavy, being about 17 pounds.

