Ninja Tabi (PG3D)

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This article describes a Pixel Gun 3D accessory. If you are looking for the same accessory in Pixel Gun World, see Ninja Tabi (PGW).

The Ninja Tabi are boots introduced as of the 6.1.5 update. They are located at the Boots section in the Wear or Accessories section in the Armory.


It is by far the longest boots in-game, along with the Engineer Boots. It has a dark silver color with gold and black patterns.



☆: Allows the player to perform a double jump so they can jump another time on air.


  • This is useful for reaching high places and to jump above enemies.
  • It can be used as an alternative to the Jetpack.
  • It's useful if you want to get a good spot to use Sniper weaponry.
  • Take advantage of its affordable price.
  • When you obtain enough gems, consider replacing the Ninja Tabi with the Berserk Boots, because you will still have the double jump effects but with added effects as well.


  • Pick off its users with Heavy weapons.
  • A slowdown weapon prevents the double jump function.
  • Simply stated, there is no proper way of countering users that use this as boots. Most of the wear is instead just for boosters, what you should really be focusing on countering is the weapons that your enemies are using.


  • The reason they are labeled Ninja Tabi instead of Ninja Boots is that Tabi is a Japanese sock worn ankle high with the big toe separated from the other toes, different from boots. 
  • If paired with a double-jump weapon such as the Bunny Smasher, these boots will not produce a quadruple-jump. 
  • As of the 9.0.4 update, these are the only original boots left while the rest are replaced with entirely new ones.
    • Also, it is the only boots purchasable with coins, while the rest are already bought or affordable with gems.
    • These boots can match with the Ninja skin.
    • Later, Berserk Boots had also gained the double jump attribute.
  • In later versions of the game, its model was changed to match the other boots.






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