Gum Rifle

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Remember, if you have shot your friend with this one, use a cold weapon.
A small note on the back says: "Don't use with mint bubblegum after the incident in 3010".

—Weapon description in the Gallery

The Gum Rifle is a Primary weapon introduced in the 14.1.0 update.


The Gum Rifle is a pink-colored gun shooting pink gum. This is a primary weapon, with a silver stock, and a pink nozzle.


The weapon shoots a pink gumball. If the gumball hit a player (not only an opponent)/solid object, it will produce an explosion and generate some gumballs with a pink gumball effect. If a shot from this weapon hits your enemy, it will deal some damage to him/her without any effects.

This weapon reloads after shooting 6 times from it. While reloading, the weapon's magazine is taken out, then put back. The reload animation is 4 seconds long. The weapon doesn't have any types of Delay Mechanics but it's not recommended to use it in the Three Category Spam because of its not so high damage per one shot and slow travel time. Also, it can't produce any types of rocket jumping.


This weapon has good damage, a low fire rate, low capacity, and a lower than average mobility. It is currently 2 shots when maxed out.


  • Use this like the original Balloon Cannon.
  • Use this as a support weapon or in conjunction with a more powerful weapon.
  • Utilize its "Slow the target" attribute in case you see fast players.
  • Time your shots, because if you miss it would be a waste of precious ammo.
  • Use this weapon at closer range so that you will not miss as many bullets.


  • Attack from afar.
  • Try jumping to avoid it's projectiles and area damage.
  • If you do get hit with it, try rocket jumping or use a high mobility weapon.
    • A possible escape plane would be to use any of your area damage weapons regardless of self-explosion damage to get away. However, keep in mind that you can very easily kill yourself with this strategy unless you are using a weapon such as the Rocket Jumper or any other rocket jump weapon that won't damage you.
    • Use a one shot weapon to kill your opponent before they have a chance to hit you with this weapon several times.

Recommended Maps

Close ranged maps like Pool Party.

Equipment Setups

Equip a long-range weapon, because this weapon usually fails to get kills from long range, as its bullets (or gumballs) do not possess an instant travel time, thus opponents can easily dodge them.

  • This weapon is meant to act more like a support weapon. Where it should be used in conjunction with other weapons that can deal even higher damage.


  • Initial release.
  • On the first day of the release, this weapon originally had the same name as the Balloon Cannon because of Cubic.Games forgetting to rename this weapon to the "Gum Rifle". However, the next day, this minor patch update was released and they renamed it to "Gum Rifle".
  • This surprisingly became among the strongest guns in Primary taking 3 shots to the head to kill a maxed champion armor player. Although its damage is quite sky-high, it is not automatic and has a fire rate at only 72 which might be for balancing reasons.
  • It is currently a 2 shot.
  • Damage increased by 33.33%.


  • Essentially, it is a weaponized counterpart of the Sticky Candy, however, it does not have the Disable Jumps attribute, due to the fact the slows the target attribute prevents jumping as well for a limited amount of time.
  • This is the first reskin weapon from Sandbox mode.
  • This is a reskin of the Balloon Cannon but of the Epic rarity.
