Space Devastator

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A shotgun with a Tesla Coil and electromagnetic field that make the initial acceleration of shells higher.

—Weapon's description in Gallery

The Space Devastator (originally named the Space Redeemer) is a Primary weapon introduced in the 15.7.0 update. It is part of the Alien Santa Event Set that included: Space Devastator, Snow Blaster, and Gauntlet of Power.


It is an alien/cyber/santa-themed shotgun. It shoots high-velocity pellets which have instant travel time and is able to pierce through multiple targets. It is a 2-3 shot when maxed out.


It appears to be an alien-themed space shotgun.

It features a red/light blue color scheme with a red and blue solid stock, blue pistol grip, a red body, red pump, and a blue barrel. A blue shining energy cube is used to power the weapon, allowing it to shoot blue shells.


The shotgun is held by both of the player's hands. It shoots multiple pellets which have instant travel time and can pierce through enemy players and monsters. It holds 8 shots (formerly 5) in a cube and when spawning, the player is given two extra cubes.

When reloading, the gun expands outwards, ejects the cube to the left and the player inserts another cube which then the weapon will contract.



  • It is possible to 1-2 shot a max armored player with high modules.
  • Use this weapon like any other shotgun, where close quarters combat is most efficient.
  • Aim for the head to maximize damage.
  • Switch to weapons with a longer range when enemies are too far away for the shotgun's effective range.
  • Like most other shotguns, it is an effective weapon to counter charging Melee users.
  • Don't spray and pray with the weapon, despite it having a high damage output, it has a high fire rate and low magazine capacity.


  • Pick off its user(s) from long ranges.
  • Like with other Piercing Shot weapons, don't use other players as meat shields. The projectiles will skewer through the player before you and hit you.
  • Try to avoid getting too close to its user(s).
    • If you're caught off-guard, shoot them with your area damage weapon as it can disorient their aim.
  • Jump while strafing to minimize the chances of being hit.
  • Stay away from hallways/corridors, or where many players are crowding.

Recommended Maps

Equipment Setups

  • Bring a weapon with more capacity, a scoped weapon that is more suitable for longer ranges, and an Area Damage weapon.



  • Initial release.


  • Its name was changed from "Space Redeemer" to "Space Devastator".
  • It got new looks and better design.


  • Its damage was buffed by 13%, with its capacity also being buffed from 5 to 8.
  • It received a shotgun rework, which reduced its damage, improved its range, and decreased damage drop-off
  • Damage decreased by 24.71%.


  • Upon release, it was named the Space Redeemer.
  • Despite the Space Devastator and the Devastator both containing the word 'devastator', they are not related to each other.
  • This weapon's appearance closely resembles the Energy Assault Rifle.
  • It has the lowest mythical shotgun damage by default.
  • It and Shotgun have very similar damage when both are maxed.
