System Admin

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Each shot updates the servers by 1%. I don't know how I killed him, but eventually it worked.

—Weapon's description in Gallery

The System Admin is a Primary weapon introduced in the 16.0.0 update.


It is a code-themed rifle that automatically shoots rounds. It deals a decent amount of damage, and has a decent ammo capacity, high mobility and a moderate fire rate. It can generally 9-shot someone.


It takes the appearance of a neon-colored rifle.

It has a grey/red stock with yellow connectors running throughout the weapon. On top is a 2x2 Rubik's cube powering the rifle. On the bottom of the rifle, it has a grey/red pistol grip with a red trigger, and a binary code magazine. It also has a cyan blue motherboard posing as the reciever of the weapon.

Taking up the bulk of the weapon is a neon blue barrel with printed circuit board etchings with blue iron sights.


This weapon shoots green numbers with a fast bullet travel time. Moreover, these rounds include tiny area damage.

When reloading, the magazine is taken out and is replaced by another one. It has no delay mechanics.



  • Take advantage of its area damage attribute.
  • Despite having area damage, it is possible to land headshots. Do this to maximize damage.
  • It is quite accurate, but you have to aim well to conserve ammo. Though it isn't a major concern due to its Area Damage attribute.
  • Pair this with a high damage back-up weapon, like the Thunderer or Exterminator.
  • Make sure to reload frequently.
  • Use this up to medium range since it does not have a scope.


  • Pickoff its users from long ranges,
  • Strafe while jumping to minimize the chances of getting hit.
  • Shotguns and weapons with area damage make quick work of its users.
  • Attack when the user is reloading or is complacent.
  • If all else fails you can hide, use the Reflector gadget, or jump at them and rocket jump.

Recommended Maps

Equipment Setups

This can be paired with a high damaging Sniper or Heavy weapon as a backup weapon to finish targets off.


  • Initial release.


  • Damage increased by 20%.

