Holy Shotgun

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/The Holy Shotgun is a Primary weapon introduced in the 16.8.0 update. It can be obtained from the Halloween Season Battle Pass.


It is a holy/bible-themed shotgun that shoots a spread of bullets. It possesses the ability to heal your teammates. It has good damage, a decent fire rate, good capacity, and low mobility.


It features a silver/white body with a grey/yellow pistol grip, a large silver/white drum magazine with a cross embedded in the middle, a yellow/silver tank containing holy water, a silver barrel with a grey/yellow foregrip, and a gold cross hanging around the barrel. The weapon will shine when held in hand and in the armory. The weapon's cyan crosses and the cyan part in the drum magazine will light up if you are in a low-light area.


When firing this weapon, it would emit a spread of blue bullets with instant bullet travel time. and a pair of golden wings are seen from the barrel, only to disappear shortly before firing again in repeat. This weapon, being a shotgun, performs best at close range, it can damage opponents and can heal teammates for an incredible amount if it is shot at them.

When reloading, the player takes out the drum magazine and replaces it with another one, with some bell sounds in the background.

It has a fixed delay input. This means that once the player switches from any weapon to this weapon, the Holy Shotgun always has a delay lasting around half of a second.



  • Like any shotgun, it is best to use this weapon at close range.
  • This weapon is particularly powerful when ambushing lone targets or dueling.
  • Avoid using this at long range since the spread of pellets would lessen the chances of hitting the target.
  • Aim for the head to maximize Efficiency per shot.
    • Pair this with Efficiency booster wears and equip Piercing Shells to shorten the work.
  • The wider spread allows one to have a greater chance to hit a target if off-center, as well as against multiple targets.
  • This weapon is very useful if one has a coordinated team since it allows a team member to be the designated healer, this is especially useful in game modes such as Raid and Siege.
    • If you become the healer, then it's recommended to keep close to the team to determine who needs healing.
    • Make sure you protect the healer since the healer can keep the team alive longer.
  • If encountering opponents who jump and strafe a lot, use a slow down weapon/gadget and execute them with this weapon.
  • This shotgun has shortest reload time, allowing you to get back to fight immediately.
  • Use this weapon like the Predator.


  • Pick off the user at a long range.
  • Area damage weapons can counter users at close range.
  • Flank around the user with a melee weapon and quickly attack them.
  • The wider spread can be avoided if the user jumps high enough.
  • Attack its users from behind.
  • Strafe and use fast-firing weapons to shred him/her.
  • Avoiding getting too close to the user, back off while firing to minimize damage taken.
  • If the enemy team has a designated healer, target the healer first.
  • Don't wait to attack during the user’s reload time since it is the fastest in the game.

Recommended Maps

Equipment Setups

  • This is useful for a reliable close-range weapon for any loadout.
  • A fast-firing Backup weapon to finish off a weakened opponent.
  • A melee with high mobility.
  • Sniper weapons such as the Anti-Champion Rifle to target enemies at long distances.
  • A powerful heavy weapon, such as the Bedivere or the Big B's Oven.


  • Initial release.


  • It was brought back as part of the 9/25/2020 Community Van for 225 Gem.png.



  • It returned in the Halloween Lottery along with the other weapons associated with Halloween.
  • It is now available in the pixel pass store.
  • Damage decreased by 10%.


  • It is based on the Armsel Striker Bulldog.
  • The weapon's appearance embodies Christianity since it features several crosses incorporated into the design.
  • It is the third weapon released into the game to feature the ability to heal teammates, the first two being the Healing Staff and the Witch Doctor.
    • It's the first and currently the only weapon with the Shotgun.png attribute along with TeammateHealing.png attribute.
  • It is 2 head/body shots if fully upgraded.
  • This shotgun has the shortest reload time of all guns.
  • This weapon showed up as the Predator for players who did not update their game to 16.8.0.
  • This weapon is basically the Predator with TeammateHealing.png as they are both shotguns that have a fast reload, exact same mobility, firing speed, and capacity.
  • This is the first and only shotgun to have the teammate healing attribute.
