Plasma Minigun

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The mechanism of the multi-barrelled machine gun won't change in the future. However, unlike the current versions, this weapon shoots little plasmoids which fly so fast that no cover will save you.

—Weapon description in the Gallery

The Plasma Minigun is a Primary weapon introduced in the 15.7.0 update. It can be obtained from the Christmas Invasion Battle Pass.


It is a mainly silver minigun that shoots blue, cubic plasma particles. It has average damage, a fast fire rate, a good capacity, and slow mobility. It is 12-13 shots with area damage.


The weapon has a black/silver color scheme with a solid stock, a black/silver pistol grip, a silver trigger, a silver/black magazine, and three rotating barrels.


This weapon shoots blue, cubic plasma particles at a very high rate. These particles have a fast, but not the instant bullet travel time and can perform best at medium range. Moreover, these particles have a blue splash damage radius.

When reloading, the magazine from the weapon's bottom is taken out and is replaced by another. It has no delay mechanics.

It has the minigun attribute, which gives it a small delay before shooting. It also has Fixed Delay. This means that once the player switches from any weapon to this weapon, the Plasma Minigun will always have a pull-up delay lasting around half of a second.



  • When engaging in close range combat, aim for the feet or any surface area near the enemy, since this has area damage.
  • Reload this weapon when out of battle.
  • This weapon is useful for effective area denial due to its fast firing rate and its exploding projectiles.
  • Fire upon groups of enemies to weaken them.
  • Its effective to counter Jetpack users due to its fast firing rate, provided that one is accurate enough.
    • Keep in mind that this weapon has travel time.
    • In battle royal, make sure to equip this weapon as it can do tons of damage even to fully armored users it can easily kill them in 2-3 seconds
  • When spamming bullets, be sure to make all your shots count in order to prevent wasting ammunition.
  • Aim for the head.


  • Sniper weapons, like the Photon Sniper Rifle, or the Black Hole are an easy counter.
  • Use a high-damage dealer, such as the Neon Fighter or the Hypersound Uzi to make quick work of the user.
  • Try to stay away from any surfaces, either the ground or the wall.
  • Taking cover would remain one of your best options to avoid these users. However, do not take cover right next to walls; the area damage can hit you through walls.
  • Use powerful heavy weapons like the Shrimposaur.
  • Any hitscan Primary weapons can outclass it users in long ranges.
  • Shotguns like the Mega Destroyer, or the Acid Shotgun work well against its users.
  • Use Weapons Like Sly Wolf Or X-mas Spirits Defender to block the bullets.

Recommended Maps

Equipment Setups

This weapon works well as an effective general-purpose Primary weapon for all playstyles.


  • Initial release.
  • The Minigun.png attribute was added to the weapon, making it have to take a short period of time to spin up in order for it to fire.
  • Returned in the Blogger Lottery.
  • Damage increased by 36.84%.


  • This and the Medusa are the only minigun weapons with area damage.
  • Originally, this weapon did not have the minigun attribute. The attribute was added later.
  • This weapon performs similarly to the Hand Minigun due to the capacity and fire rate.
  • Despite being a weak weapon in normal matches, it is very strong in Battle Royale
  • It is used by the Epic fort guardian (pros)
