Rune Buster

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The Rune Buster is a Primary weapon introduced in the 22.4.2 update. It is one of the 6 weapons in the Crystal Division Clan Set.


Rune Buster Is a shotgun capable of killing people with 2-3 shots, It contains a mystical, red rune that serves as the cartridge, and has a fast fire rate, and can easily shred crowds to bits. It also contains a hidden AmmoRestore.png which allows it rejuvenate it's ammo gradually overtime.


The body is built from the same crystal, synonymous with the other Crystal Division weapons. Red runes are etched onto numerous areas of Rune Buster. The grip and parts of the stock have gold rims attached, and a pair of gold chains grapple onto two floating crystals.

When fired, the crystals serving as the barrel, will bounce and rotate, in a circular motion, before screeching to a halt. When reloading, the red rune floats from the chamber of the Rune Buster and swivels in the character's hand, before being inserted back into the chamber.


The fire rate for Rune Buster is very good, especially when compared to most shotguns, where the fire rate is usually slow. It also boasts relatively high damage, comparable to the Chickaboom!, being able to take out crowds of enemies very easily. This is even more efficient if paired with the Piercing Rounds module combination. Rune Buster has a capacity of 6 shots, which at base value may not seem that good. But it has a hidden attribute, it has AmmoRestore.png, which allows it to slowly refill it's ammo with time, this allows it to be used as long as needed, as so long you're willing to take time to let it refill.



  • Make sure to get up close to deal maximum damage.
  • Take note that it has 6 shots, be sure to pay attention, as you'll be reloading often.
  • This shotgun is a good Anti-Jetpack weapon, allowing you to shoot pesky Jetpack users down and back to the ground.
  • This can be used as a good support as it allows you to finish off enemies easily with other weapons


  • Stay long and far away from these players, as the fast fire rate can quickly finish you off.
  • Take extreme caution when facing this user, as its disable jump are extremely deadly due of being a shotgun. Use weapons like Ultimatum to take them out quickly
  • Focus on killing this user as they can act as a powerful support due of its disable jump

Recommended Maps

Equipment Setups

  • A long range weapon, such as a sniper should finish them off, if they try to run.



  • Initial release.
  • Damage secretly increased.


  • Damage decreased by 20%.


  • Damage secretly increased.


  • As with all Crystal Division weapons, it contains the hidden attribute of ammo restore.

