Energy Assault Rifle

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Uses mini-laser batteries for the powerful medium-distance shots. Commonly used as a remote powerbank version 3.0.

—Weapon's description in Gallery

The Energy Assault Rifle is a Primary weapon introduced in the 15.6.0 update.


It is a futuristic assault rifle that shoots blue bullets and possesses a scope. It has good damage for a Primary weapon, medium mobility, a okay fire rate (more acquire tested fire rate is 95), and a good capacity for its fire rate.


This weapon has a primarily white body with what looks like a neon battery and also has a red trigger. The scope of the gun is grey with neon on it, and the grip and bottom half of the stock are a dark green or black.


This weapon, being held with both hands, shoots blue bullets with instant bullet travel time. When the bullets are shot out of the gun, a hexagonal energy pattern can be seen coming from the weapon. It also possesses a regular, 2x zoom scope.

When reloading, the player takes out the cyber magazine located under the weapon and the player puts another magazine. This weapon has no delay mechanics.



  • Aim for the head to deal more damage.
  • Use this weapon at close or medium range due to its medium-slow fire rate.
  • Its decent capacity and high damage will compensate for missed shots and somewhat moderate fire rate.
  • Use its 2x scope to advance to longer ranges.
    • Do not use this rifle for extreme long-range, as you will barely notice the difference. If you do, however, fire in short bursts, or if needed, small one-taps.
  • Try to make every shot hit so that the ammo is used wisely. This way you can use the weapon for longer whilst still getting kills.
  • This rifle is 6 - 7 headshots kill if fully upgraded.
  • This weapon is great for finishing weakened targets, as its fairly-high damage and high capacity will quickly eliminate opponents.


  • Strafe and jump around the user to confuse them and to empty their mag, then when the user is reloading, shoot them with a shotgun or other close-range weapon to finish them off.
  • Be warned, that skilled players can use the 2x zoom and easily snipe you from across the map as this gun has instant bullet travel time and what may seem as infinite range.
  • Do not use the Jetpack, as it is easy for users to easily gun you down in the air.
  • Area damage weapons can make quick work of its users.

Recommended Maps

Equipment Setups

Pair this weapon with a strong backup and a good melee for a deadly combination suitable for most, if not all situations.



  • Initial release.


  • It is unlocked at level 54 instead of level 45.


  • It became a rentable weapon.
  • The kill icon before the 16.7.0 update would show the Huge Boy's kill icon. However, this was fixed in 16.7.0 and it became the kill icon of its own instead.


  • It's firing effects were reworked.


  • Damage decreased by 7.78%.


  • The gun has a slight resemblance to the MA58 Assault Rifle from the Halo series. However, this assault rifle is mostly white, and the MA58 is mostly black. It bears a far greater resemblance to the Heavy Pulse Rifle from Overwatch. The Heavy Pulse Rifle in Overwatch is mostly blue, white and black.
  • This weapon is one of the three energy-based guns originally unlocked at level 54, the other two being the Total Annihilator and the Gauss Cannon.
  • The reload animation is identical to the System Admin and the Poisonous Vine.
    • As a result, it is one of the weapons to share a kill icon with another weapon, the other one being the Elephant Hunter.
