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The technologies go forward that is why the witchhunt is getting more optimized.

—Weapon's description in Gallery

The Witch Hunter is a Primary weapon introduced in the 15.4.0 update.


It is a Halloween themed shotgun that shoots multiple light purple laser-like projectiles at once. It has good damage, a decent fire rate, high capacity, and good mobility. It can restore ammo upon getting a headshot with the magic combination.


This weapon is a reskin of the Undertaker.

It has a wooden skeletal stock with a grey butt and a black buffer tube connecting to the body of the gun. The body is mainly brown, with a white skull decal on the side of the weapon. The body also features a curved brown/grey pistol grip, a blue trigger, yellow and blue rear iron sights and a brown box magazine.

In the front of the weapon, it features a wooden handle, with grey barrels and yellow iron sight.

When fired, it releases a spray of light purple laser-like projectiles.


The weapon, shooting a large spray of light purple laser-like projectiles with instant bullet travel time, deals a great amount of damage at close range and has a high ammo capacity, higher than average mobility and fast fire rate for a Shotgun weapon.

It also has a longer range than most Shotguns, and a fast reload. It will kill any armored player instantly with a headshot but with a body shot it will take anywhere between 2 - 4 shots to kill an opponent (depending on range).

When reloading, the clip from the bottom is taken out and is replaced by another one. It has no delay mechanics.



  • Like all shotguns, use it at close range.
  • Aim for the head to maximize damage.
  • Use it in close range maps, as it tends to lose accuracy (as most shotguns do) at long range.
  • Use this like the Undertaker.


  • Pick off its user(s) from long ranges.
  • If in close encounters with a user, switch to an Area Damage weapon and try to eliminate them. Keep in mind that if you're too close to the explosions, you can damage yourself.
  • Avoid attacking head on if using a melee weapon, instead, flank around the user.
  • Automatic weapons can prevail against its users, but try to maintain the distance.

Recommended Maps

Equipment Setups

Use this to finish players off at close range, or as a backup weapon to engage enemies up close.



  • Initial release.


  • Came back in the Halloween Lottery for parts.
  • Damage decreased by 20%.


  • Its name is possibly the reference to the 1692 Salem Witch Trials, because the witch hunters are responsible for many trials and deaths in Salem.
  • Its name is a portmanteau of the words "witch" and "hunter".
