Steam Gun

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Spanish Flag.png

Steam gun makes steamed cutlets out of your enemies. Sometimes they go roasted tho.

—Weapon description in the Gallery

The Steam Gun is a Primary weapon introduced in the 15.5.0 update.


It is a wild west themed machine gun that shoots regular bullets. It has good damage, a high fire rate, a decent capacity, and a decent mobility. It is usually 10-11 shots to finish opponents off.


It appears to be a wild west themed gun that's gray, brown, with yellow details. It is mostly brown in color, having a brown wooden stock and main base of the weapon. Then there appears to be grey metal added onto the weapon to emit steam, and then topped off with some gold/yellow detail.


This weapon automatically shoots regular bullets and at the same time emits some steam, hence its name. The bullets have instant bullet travel time and this weapon can be used in medium range. It does not have any other special attributes.

When reloading, the clip from the back of the gun is taken out and is replaced by another. It has no delay mechanics.



  • Although it lacks a scope, use this as you would use the Secret Forces Rifle.
  • Aim for the head to maximize damage.
  • The more experienced players can even get long ranged kills due to the fact that the crosshairs do not spread as much.
  • Its high fire rate allows it to be used output more firepower than most other Primary weapons.


  • Pick off its users from long ranges.
  • Area damage and shotguns make quick work of it's users.
  • Strafe while jumping to minimize the damage taken from this weapon.
  • Flank around the user then use a melee weapon to deal quick damage and then pull back.
  • Use a flamethrower or shotgun with at least decent mobility to constantly damage them.
  • Use a high-damaging sniper to take out these users before you take too much damage from them.

Recommended Maps

Equipment Setups

This weapon is an effective general purpose Primary weapon and fits well for any playstyles.


  • Initial release.

Before being released in the Trader's Van on August 24, 2020, the following stats were modified:

  • Capacity nerfed from 50 to 40.
  • Mobility nerfed from 80 to 60.


  • Damage increased by 24%.


  • The design is based on the Steampunk Rifle made by Dave Parker.
  • There is a glitch when you die in Siege, you have the chance to buy this weapon from the recommended section in the killcam, without buying the Battle Pass. After buying it, it appears in your inventory, bought. It is unknown if this has been patched in the 15.5.1 update.
