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Freezes enemies near the initial target. It will have some chilling effect, I tell you!

—Weapon's description in Gallery

The Sub-Zero is a Primary weapon introduced in the 11.3.0 update.


It is a futuristic machine gun that shoots light blue particles. It has good damage, a average fire rate, a low capacity, and low mobility.


It is a futuristic rifle which has a light blue barrel, a red trigger, a dark gray handle, a silver grip, a dark gray, light blue and silver shoulder shock, a cyan and white detail with a cyan-colored "X" mark and the rest of it is either silver to dark gray.


This weapon shoots light blue particles with a slow bullet travel time for a Primary weapon. These particles can slow down targets when they are shot. Moreover, this weapon possesses a 2x zoom optic sight which allows it to fight in a slightly longer range.

When reloading, the player takes out the clip and replaces it with another one. It has no delay mechanics.



  • Use the scope to encounter longer ranged enemies.
    • Bear in mind that this weapon has a slow bullet travel time,so it is not suitable for long range fights.
  • Always aim for the head to maximize the damage.
  • You cannot use this as your primary weapon, as it is weak.But if so, shoot the enemy a couple of times to slow them down, then finish them off with a stronger weapon like the Pumpkin Thrower.
  • Do not hold the trigger for an extended period of time, as the gun will become more inaccurate for a certain period of time and your ammunition will be wasted.


  • Pick off its users from long ranges.
  • Area damage weapons and weapons with a high fire-rate can quickly overwhelm its users.
  • This weapon is easily countered with other primaries. Any medium-long range weapons would also still prove very effective in countering these users. However, be careful if you plan to use any short-range or melee weapons because this weapon has the slow targets down attribute, which they could use to slow you down and run away.

Recommended Maps

Equipment Setups

Equip an efficient Heavy weapon to have no complications in close range, and/or an efficient Sniper weapon to have no complications in long-range either.

Also, pair this weapon with a stronger backup, so you can easily finish off targets or to assist your allies.


  • Initial release.
  • Damage increased by 23.33%.


  • It is based off the Plasma Gun from DOOM (2016).
  • For some users, the name of the weapon appears as "Sub Zero".
  • This and the other two of its reskins have completely different functions. This has slows down target, while the Mega Gun has area damage and Blinder has ricochet. Despite this, they all have the fastest travel time and have a 4x zoom in the game.
  • This weapon has the most reskins in the game - the Mega Gun and the Blinder. You can also count the Golden Mega Gun as a reskin.
  • This weapon is currently 9-12 shots with a bit of area damage and fast bullet travel.