Wizard Wand

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This staff has served to a great grey-bearded mage from the Castle of the Watchers. Now, it will help you, young magus! Creates the flash of energy that gets your opponent on any distance possible.

—Weapon's description in Gallery

The Wizard Wand is a Heavy weapon introduced in the 3.6.0 update.


The Wizard Wand is a Heavy weapon of the Rare grade introduced in the 3.6.0 update. It deals medium damage, medium capacity, an average rate of fire and paired with normal mobility. Surprising, it's purple orb which it emits have no travel time.


It has a long black and purple handle with a gray cross guard. Above that, there is a large box, with each side containing a large purple eye, resembling a wand.

When fired, it causes a purple smoke to appear in the area aimed at. Indicating area damage.



This wand that shoots a large, purple orb with area damage and instant bullet travel time.

It uses the single-shot system so it has no reload animation. It has no delay mechanics either.


Formerly, it shoots a purple orb with wall break, no area damage and instant bullet travel time. It also had infinite capacity, high damage and a very large hitbox.



  • Use this weapon to finish off weakened targets or deal normal damage against armored targets.
  • It has devastating splash damage, use it to wreak havoc on the enemy.
  • The map's airspace can help you pick off targets as it gives you a better view of the field.
  • You could use this weapon similarly to the Dead Star, since they both have instant travel times, however, be careful in timing your shots.
  • Pair this up with the Jetpack and rain down shots from above.
  • You can use this in 3 cat spam / 4 cat spam or even 6 cat spam as this weapon has no travel time and has no types of delays. This weapon can also be used for rocket jump, making this a multi-purpose weapon. It is not recommended to use this weapon singlehandedly because of its low fire rate.
  • Although this weapon is weaker than the Dark Mage Wand, its damage is pretty high for lower levels, and is very powerful if upgraded to Mythical tier.


  • Try to use an area damage weapon to flush them out into open space, then kill them.
  • Pick off its user(s) from long ranges.
  • Use weapons that can kill users quickly, such as the Big Buddy or the Portalium Rifle
  • To counter the flying user(s). Use a weapon with the Slow Down Target attribute to make them easier to hit.
    • This strategy doesn't only apply to flying targets. It can be also applied to high-jumping ones, where they'll be stapled to the ground, therefore making their attacks futile and vulnerable to attacks.

Recommended Maps

Equipment Setups

Equip a Sniper along with this weapon to attack enemies further away.



  • Initial release.


  • The Wizard Wand receives an upgrade known as the "Archimage Dragon Wand".


  • The Archimage Dragon Wand receives another upgrade known as the "Dark Mage Wand".


  • The original Wizard Wand is removed from the game, the Archimage Dragon Wand and Dark Mage Wand become separate weapons and the Archimage Dragon Wand is renamed to Wizard Wand.


  • Its wall-break attribute was removed. Its ammo capacity when spawning was changed to 21. Before this update, the player could shoot infinitely, thus meaning infinite ammo.


  • A glitch involving trapping an opponent in the Kill Cam (PG3D) was fixed (Refer to Trivia).


  • The weapon was removed. Players who have bought it previously were still able to keep it. It was disguised as the Combat Knife when looking at a player holding the weapon.

Sometime Between 10.2.0 and 10.5.0



  • It was added to the Event Chest and was obtainable. The weapon also received two new upgrades and now deals area damage, And it now glows in the dark.


  • The Area Damage particle effect has been updated.


  • The weapon returned to the Loki Lottery.


  • This weapon returned in the Sacred Tomb Lottery.


  • It was formerly the 2nd version of the Wizard Wand, the third and final version being the Dark Mage Wand.
  • Prior to 9.0.4, this weapon had the ability to shoot through walls.
    • This is referenced in its Gallery developer comment.
  • It was previously called "Archimage Dragon Wand". It replaced its removed predecessor name.
  • The Wizard Wand formerly has the ability to penetrate through walls, making it one of the most powerful weapons in Pixel Gun 3D.
  • When it was removed, it looked like a Combat Knife from other players' views.
  • Easter Egg: If the player activates the Stealth Bracelet while holding the Wizard Wand, it will show a purple orb in the center of the large box of the weapon
  • This weapon is wielded by the Wizard Boss in the Castle level of the campaign.
  • The old Wizard Wand's eye looked like the Eye of Ender from Minecraft.
  • In the 9.3.0 update, there was a glitch about trapping an opponent in the Kill Cam, and the Wizard Wand is involved in this glitch. Basically, the player would have to equip either the Dark Mage Wand or the Wizard Wand. Next, they would have to find an opponent then shoot them with the equipped wand, then quickly tapping on the Frag Grenade button. On ExxotikGaming's channel, he made an entire video talking about this glitch, spreading more awareness about this glitch to other players and it had a goal of getting this glitch patched.
    • This glitch was patched in the 9.4.0 update.
    • The Wizard Wand had a feature that lasted only on its first release in 3.6.0 until 3.7.0 which was emiting particles from the wand when shot.

