Spark Shark

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A smaller version of a white shark that shoots electric missiles. You can't buy it in a fish store (believe us, we've tried)

—Weapon's description in Gallery

The Spark Shark is a Heavy weapon introduced in the 10.5.0 update. It is originally one of the 4 unique weapons obtained in the Lucky Chest, but now, it requires 250 parts to craft.


This is a shark-themed Heavy weapon that shoots electrical particles. This weapon has high damage, a decent fire rate, average capacity, and good mobility. It comes with area damage and slowing abilities.


It is a blue and light gray schemed mechanical shark with red eyes, white teeth, a brown-yellow handle, and a "clip" with an electrical symbol. Same as a shark, this weapon has some appearance features such as a tail, and a fin.


This weapon shoots electrical/blue balls that have medium bullet travel time. These projectiles have area damage and can slow down players. Most of the time a 2-3 shot kill, but sometimes a 1 shot kills at maximum efficiency.

When reloading, the player would take out the clip from the bottom and replaces it with another.

It has Fixed Delay. This means that once the player switches from any weapon to this weapon, the Spark Shark will always have a pull-up delay lasting around half of a second.



  • Use the slow down effect to your advantage. Once you get 1 hit on the enemy, you will most likely get a second hit.
  • Aim for the head to deal more damage.
  • Aim at the floor besides your opponent to make full potential of its area damage.
  • Stay in close range and medium range. Long range is not recommended due to the bullet travel time.
  • When fighting a Killer Whale user, focus on strafing to make them waste their ammo due to the fact that the killler whale has more ammo and functions very differently than the Spark Shark.
  • If you are about to head into a fight, pullout the Spark Shark beforehand because it has forced pullout delay.


  • Pick off its user(s) from long ranges.
  • Try to dodge until the user runs out of ammo or starts to reload. However, be aware that if you get hit by the user's projectiles, then you would be slower and be unable to fly or jump.
  • Using Berserker Boots or a Jetpack to stay in the air in flat maps can be used to avoid ground splash damage.
  • Stay clear of these users if you have low health, because this weapon now has the Slows the Target attribute, making it harder to get away from the user.

Recommended Maps

Equipment Setups

Bring any weapon that has a higher capacity to pick off enemies when its ammo runs dry.

  • Naturally, this is a true high damaging, all-around useful weapon that is used in close and medium ranges. As this weapon has a travel time and it being a heavy, don't use it for the entire match because you would also need to use your primary or your sniper in most cases.



  • Initial release.


  • Its fire rate was nerfed .


  • Damage increased by 27%
  • Rocket speed increased by 13%.


  • Damage increased by 18%.


  • It was one of the weapons exclusively obtained from the Lucky Chest, the others being the Golden Friend, Candy Baton, and Power Claw.
  • It is one of the weapons where the weapon is modified to look like an animal/creature. (Ex: Double Dragon, Tiger Claws, Alligator, and etc.)
  • The teeth of the shark are unlike a real shark's, as sharks in real life have multiple rows of teeth.
  • Since it is too hard to obtain this via lucky chest, they changed it into parts to make it easier to get.
  • It is highly relatable to the Tesla Cannon, and it's also perfectly comparable to it.
    • The Spark Shark also has a slow-down ability, making it useful to trap/attack enemies.
  • Like the Social Uzi and the other lucky chest weapons, the Efficiency is dependent on the player's level.
  • The Spark Shark was one of the most sought after heavies in the whole game. In earlier versions of Pixel Gun 3D, instead of getting parts, you had a chance to get the whole weapon, which enticed a lot of players to participate in Lucky Chest spinning.

