Pixel-Cola Refresher

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A mini-fridge. If you have any free ammo after the match, you can have a couple of minutes with pixel-cola.

—Weapon's description in Gallery

The Pixel-Cola Refresher is a Heavy weapon introduced in the 15.9.0 update as part of the Military Trader's Van.


It is a blue and red rocket launcher that launches explosive cola-like projectiles. It has good damage, a fast fire rate, a decent capacity, and decent mobility.


It appears to be a Cola themed weapon. The top half of this weapon is red with bubbles, while the bottom half of this weapon is blue with waves. This weapon has a bulky build, an iron sight on top of the barrel, and the words "Pixel Cola" on the rear canister.


This weapon shoots brown, explosive cola-like projectiles. On impact, they leave a brown splash radius and they can slow down the player(s) caught in the radius. This weapon has Super Rocket Jump, meaning that players can do a very high Rocket Jump with this weapon. If this weapon kills opponents, the holder of this weapon will get sped up. The speed is currently unstackable.

When reloading, the player takes out a bottle of cola, shakes it, then put it back.



  • Feel free to use it against a group of players since this weapon has area damage.
  • It is 3 shot with a decent fire rate, so try your best to land all the shots on the enemy.
  • Make sure your area is safe before reloading as the reload speed is not that fast.
  • Use it to weaken and slow down enemies, and finish them off with a good Primary weapon.
  • Note that its passive ability does not stack.
  • Keep rocket jumping. Super Rocket Jump with a fire rate of 85 makes it a very good tool. However, don't do it against walls, since you will injure or kill yourself in the process.


  • Attack the user when they're reloading.
  • Strafe around the user, but be careful, since this has area damage.
  • Be on the air so there will be less chance of its users hitting you.
  • Attack the user from long range.
  • Ambush its user(s) from behind.

Recommended Maps


Pixel Cola Refresher is a very popular choice for all players, due to its high damage output, large aoe, and high rocket jump.

Equipment Setups

Equip a good Primary weapon to finish players off after you've hit them with this weapon.

Changelog (Pre Rework)


  • Initial release.


  • The weapon's damage was increased by 25%.


  • It returned in the Survivor's lottery.

Changelog (Post Rework)


  • Design reworked.
  • Grade changed to Mythical.
  • Acceleration After Killing AccelerationAfterKilling.png and Super Rocket Jump SuperRocketJump.png added.
  • Damage decreased by 0.27%.


  • Damage increased by 35.41%.
  • Rocket speed increased by 42%.


  • Damage increased by 7%


  • A discord user has tested the pullout time of this weapon and it turns out that it doesn't actually have fixed delay, making it viable for Three Category Spam.
  • Its shape is quite similar to that of Dark Matter Generator.
  • The color scheme is similar to the Pepsi's signature colors.
  • The projectile this weapon shoots out resembles Pepsi or Cola bottles.
  • The area damage also resembles Cola or Pepsi, since it's brown with bubbles.