Streaming Beast

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The Streaming Beast is a Heavy weapon introduced in the Bloggers Season Battle Pass, along with the 21.5.0 update.


It is a blue and pink stream beam laser gun resembling of the MrBeast logo. It deals an incredibly high amount of damage, has a good fire rate, a high capacity, and a decent mobility.


The gun is a literal copy of YouTuber MrBeast. There is a battery-like object on the bottom side of the gun, connected to the actual muzzle of the gun via a wire. When the charge shot is released, the sound resembles a panther.


It deals an incredibly high amount of damage, has a good capacity, a decent fire rate and a low mobility. Use this how you would also use Dragon Energy Emitter, Ronin, or any other Stream Beam weapon. However, this does not perform the same as Represser. Though Represser does have the Stream Beam attribute, it does not require a charge, making it quite strange to fire immediately. This weapon has a unique Armor Bonus function. While held in hands, 10% of the user's armor will start regenerating every 1.5 seconds, making this the only weapon that can regenerate armor without a set effect. It can kill in 1 shot at half charge to Developer Armor with a strong burning effect when provided that your modules are usually high and good enough.



  • Charge this before you engage in combat.
  • use the powerful burning to your advantage, as it can kill in one shot at a half charge.
  • When out of battle use this and Heroic Epee to gain all of your health back.
  • Switch to a weapon with a high mobility (like Heroic Epee or Double Cashback) as this weapon doesn't have a good mobility.
  • It is useful to destroy Rocket Mech due to it's high DPS (Damage per Second) & strong burning effect, so use this to destroy some rocket mech users.


Recommended Maps

Equipment Setups

  • Equip a Sniper for better long range fights respectively.
  • Combine this with Heroic Epee to heal all of of your health and armor to full.



  • Initial release


  • It became available through Choice Offer.


  • Damage reduced by 6%


  • This weapon is referencing the YouTuber MrBeast, a very popular YouTuber who is known for doing expensive stunts and challenges, with his friends Chris, Chandler, Karl, among others.
  • Despite the naming of the weapon, MrBeast is not an active Twitch streamer, and even on YouTube, he rarely uploads livestreams. However, it would make sense if the naming is based on the Stream Beam attribute.
  • This is currently the only weapon in the game that can actually regenerate armor over time when holding it. It regenerates 10% of the player’s armor every 1.5 seconds.
  • It is the 2nd Stream Beam weapon to be in the heavy category.
  • It is essentially the upgraded version of Sharkado due to it's higher dps, strong burning effect, being in the heavy category and armor regeneration.