Pasta Maker

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The Pasta Maker is a Heavy weapon introduced in the 23.2.0 update. It can be obtained from the Ultimate Chef's Creation Super Lottery.


It appears to be a large, handheld mechanical pasta maker that has been modified into the form of a gun. The lower half consists of a gray and dark blue handle, with multiple buttons on it, and a vent. Connected to it is a jar of tomato sauce, which serves as the ammo. Additionally, there is a firing trigger and a rotating meatball wrapped in pasta, which serves as the barrel. The upper portion is the pasta maker itself, having a yellow-green mixing bowl and a rotatory mixer.

When reloading, the player takes out the empty jar of tomato sauce and replaces it with a filled jar.


This weapon is a decently strong Heavy weapon, with high damage, low mobility, and average firerate and capacity. It shoots large pasta projectiles with a decent travel time, exploding into an orange blast dealing area damage in a small radius. It also has a high rocket jump, which can be useful for reaching high areas.



  • Take advantage of its AreaDamage.png. Use this weapon in tight corridors and small spaces to maximize its effectiveness.
  • Do not use this in larger maps, as the travel time allows for the enemy to easily dodge the blast.
  • This weapon has a high rocket jump, so it is useful for reaching elevated areas.


  • Since it has a remarkably slow rocket speed, keep your distance as they will likely not be able to land shots.
  • Use anything with high mobility, preferably weapons like Neutron Pulsator, to make yourself much harder to dodge.
  • If at close range, quickly dispatch of its users with a shotgun such as the Ultimatum or Rune Buster.

Recommended Maps

Equipment Setups

Have a strong automatic primary and a high-damaging sniper, to attack enemies beyond close range.



  • Initial release.

