Festive Eliminator

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The Festive Eliminator is a Heavy weapon introduced in the 23.0.0 update. It can be obtained from the Trader's Van.


A small, fast firing, and most certainly hard hitting rocket launcher that can easily demolish groups of enemies.


Festive Eliminator is a small rocket launcher, with an emerald green body, with gold running throughout, and a golden Chinese symbol displayed on the side. It has a high-rise stock, and a plate hovering above the body, with two golden rods forming an arc. On this plate is an ethereal dragon, flying in place amongst ethereal Chinese lanterns. And there's a clip of more Chinese lanterns hanging out of the chamber.

When firing, the lantern clip will briefly retract, and Festive Eliminator will fire a lantern. The character for the reload, takes out the clip, and the ethereal dragon and lanterns'll disappear. The character then inserts another lantern clip, and the ethereal dragon and lanterns reappear.


Damage wise, its great, the fire rate for it is farcical speeds for its damage. The SuperRocketJump.png can ensure a quick escape or easy kill, and the CriticalDamage.png could even kill someone outright.


  • This is one of the best Block Crash heavies out there. The ability to fire in the air, higher rocket jump and the destruction of numerous blocks makes this a must.


  • This weapon has such a fast fire rate, you can fire a second shot while in the air. Rocket jump above them, using the SuperRocketJump.png, and then fire down below them.
  • Due to its massive SuperRocketJump.png, it is highly effective for mobility purposes.


  • Stay mobile, as getting hit can be lethal.

Recommended Maps

Equipment Setups

  • While the bullet travel is very good, it is still wise to take a sniper to take out longer range enemies.
  • Mobile opponents can be hazardous to deal with, take a rifle to pick them off.



  • Initial release.


  • Damage increased by 9%


  • It has the highest rocket jump in the game.