Event Horizon

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The Event Horizon is a Heavy weapon introduced in the 22.4.0 update. It can be obtained from the Event Horizon Lottery.


The Event Horizon is a single-shot plasma rocket weapon that boasts unmatched damage with a direct hit, while also providing chip damage with the plasma rocket ability.


The weapon is made of a “dark matter” of some sort with a star providing power to a contained black hole with a accretion disk.


The event horizon is lethal. It can very easily one shot all armors with a direct hit (including mechs). The weakness and blindness make it very easy to kill enemies that somehow survive a hit from this weapon.


Use this weapon in maps with hallways and closed spaces. Make sure to pair it with a strong, close ranged weapon (such as the Undertaker) in case you get into a sticky situation.


  • Use the Shrapnel module for a bigger area of damage.
  • Lure people into hallways to kill players with ease.


  • Do NOT enter hallways with its user. Rather stay in more open spaces with tons of room.
  • Try and minimize contact due to its plasma rocket attribute.
  • Use a Jetpack.
  • Pick of the users from long range using snipers.

Recommended Maps

Equipment Setups



  • Initial release.


  • Capacity increased from 2 to 3.
  • Rocket speed increased by 20%.


  • Capacity increased from 3 to 4.
  • Rocket speed increased by 12%.


  • This is the 5th plasma rocket weapon in the game.
    • This is also the strongest plasma rocket weapon in the game, with the second being the Solar Flare.
    • It's the 2nd plasma rocket weapon without charge time , the first one being Alien Parasite Mothership,
    • It is considered the best PlasmaRocket.png weapon in the game.