Board Thread:Off-Topic Discussions/@comment-35631823-20180929133644/@comment-35299860-20181007175320

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My F2P setup is:

Undertaker: I got this during that 130 gem discount, but I upgraded it with a free primary upgrade

Reaper: My first mythical clan weapon

DFS: The very first gem weapon I ever got: It was cause this guy kept killing me with it, and I just watched Exxotik's outdated video on best melees in the game. Rip. I didn't upgrade this until after the upgraded update

Poseidon's Trident: Cancer in siege, but honestly trash otherwise. My fourth clan weapon

Third Eye/Prototype S:Honestly, this is probably my noobiest weapon. Everyhting else takes 2 shots. The sad thing is, I never really get the chance to use these, since my favorite weapon is Undertaker, and it's a close range weapon

Hurricane: 3 shot kill, good firerate, big explosion. In anything, Alphabeta, this is the most balanced weapon in the game. In the right hands, it's really good, but otherwise, nobody uses it, cause they lack the skil :).