Clan Income

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Clan Income is a feature introduced in 17.0.0 Clan War Update.


Clan Income generates every four hours and can be claimed by simply going into Clans and clicking on the box. Clan Income gives the user Silver, Valor, and a small amount of Clan Rank Points. The amount given depends on the number of Clan War zones captured by the clan.


It appears to take some Clan Silver and Clan Valor Points from a box and takes the Clan Valor Points to the clan icon and Clan Silver to your current silver count.


  • This, Clan Tasks, the Black Market, and In-App Purchases are the only ways to get silver.
  • Clan Income will be stopped if there is a Monster Siege that has not been completed by the clan. If this happens, a group of zombies will surround the income box.
  • Clan Income can be automatically collected by the Helper Goblin, which can only be obtained through In-App Purchases and can sometimes be found by capturing zones.
  • Clan Income cannot be collected by new players to a clan, as the clan restriction limits income collection to members with over 3 days of experience in the clan.