Orbital Complex

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Orbital Complex is a Multiplayer Map introduced in the 21.7.0 update. It takes place above the Earth's atmosphere and in the middle of a contested space station.


The map is symmetrical in nature, with each side spawning in a tower with various electronics and equipment monitoring the structure. Inside, there are also jump pads which leads to the second floor, and a portal at the back which leads to the top of the tower.

In the middle of the map, there is an open platform which has a bottom level containing a room with lockers. In addition, there are jump pads that will launch a player to the entrance of a tower. Each side has a satellite that will raise the player during low gravity and lower during normal gravity.

About every 30 seconds, the gravity will change between low gravity and normal gravity, in addition a large asteroid will periodically orbit around the compound which will block the line of sight for the towers. Standing on top of the asteroid will inflict damage. In addition, the player can see two mechs fighting around the station and a space weapon firing upon Earth.


Flag Capture

  • It is essential to kill the player who caught your flag and to return it, otherwise, you won't be able to score points.
  • Use the Jetpack and fly up until you reach your base.
  • Use the Rocket Jumper in order to easily capture flags and to travel back all the way to your base.
  • Use wall break weapons which will make killing targets easier in long ranges, especially if there are many objects and structures that are blocking your sight.
  • A good source of protection is placing multiple Energy Shields and Turrets, in order to protect your base from suspecting enemies.
  • In most games, the main source of activity will be the elevated walkways connecting the two teams. Use Piercing Shot and Area Damage weapons to eliminate players in the area.

Team Battle/In General

  • The map is very open and the towers provide a good sniping position.
  • Try to maintain the high ground at the middle of the map and fire down upon enemies attempting to pass by.
  • Use the low gravity to your advantage as it significantly increases your jump height and makes it difficult for enemies to land hits on you.
  • Stand on top of the walls to gain a good vantage point over the battlefield
  • Avoid hanging out in the open and keep on moving.
  • When the asteroid comes into the map, you can use it as high ground. However, make sure to jump off when low on health as the asteroid inflicts damage to anyone standing on it over time.


Team Strike
Modes with only one map
Minigames with only one map

Pixel Gun World

Team Fight
Flag Capture