Plasma Rifle (PGW)

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This article is ahout a Pixel Gun World weapon, if you're looking for the same weapon in Pixel Gun 3D, see Plasma Rifle (PG3D).

The Plasma Rifle is a Primary weapon introduced in the first version of Pixel Gun World.


It has a silver base, an orange grip, gray ammo clip, and a large and futuristic looking orange barrel. The entire thing has small lines going across it. The plasma rifle bears a striking resemblance to the Fallout 3 and New Vegas Plasma Rifle as it has the magazine is a battery like appearance, the barrel has a glowing appearance and fired green thingys, just like it's Fallout counterpart. It also has a reloading clip that looks like the PrototypeHigh Voltage and some other guns.


The weapon has a 2x zoom and a small area damage radius. The weapon has a 20 shot magazine, with 40 in the reserve, and it can be maxed with 100 shots, totaling 120 in all.


  • The bursts travel quite slowly through the air so it's recommended to not use in long range combat despite being a rifle.
  • The small radius allows for simultaneous hits on multiple targets so it's effective to attack enemies that are in a group to maximize overall damage output.
  • Aim for the weakened players for better ammunition conserving and quicker kill registering.


  • The bursts travel quite slowly so walking sideways while shooting at your enemy may prevent you from being hit
  • The gun emits a distinct glow so look for it in dark maps to reveal the enemies location.
  • This weapon does not have a good fire rate, so going for the kill right away is a good strategy.




A gun that fires one of our fundamental matter (Plasma).


  • It's the only primary to feature a scope and area damage together.
