
From Pixel Gun 3D Wiki
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Yo <insert name here> ! I'm Charles aka The White Skunk aka CharlesCPPS, your regular , or maybe irregular , gamer guy. I'm actually 13 but I enjoy killing people , ehehehe~. I'm really approachable though , so don't be afraid to ask or tell me anything. I can be really serious sometimes so maybe not so approachable ]:) , just don't piss me off and everything will be fine as wine. And no , I'm not in Washington right now but I'm about to take a plane in probably a few months or years , I currently live in the Philippines and was born in it. My parents are kind of complicated though ,  I'm Half Filipino-Half Japanese and these are weird information , I draw stuff and I'm 3/4 of the 1/2 of a whole. I'm quite good at english too. If you need to know how I found the game , It's not really that big or something , I found the game right about when this wiki was made, I was browsing through the Play Store and searched for Pixel Games (I'm really picky with games btw ) and just bumped into it. I stopped playing the game due to the crashing when logging in with my google account, and I also lost my data so I got really pissed and uninstalled the game (lol I was really impatient). I came back after 2 years and saw many , absolutely more awesome weapons and stuff. That's my story with Pixel Gun , I told you It wasn't big.


Alright , I know nobody is asking for anything right now , but I would do requests or answer any questions you have.

ALSO , if it's about art , go ahead and ask away , if you want me to draw something for you , it's alright if I get a little something in return . Ehehehe , I'm kind of an indian giver , or you could be nice and ask me very nicely and i'll be nicer than nice to you.

Pixel Gun 3D "Characters"

Pixelgun logo exclamation.png
This article may contain spoilers. Read at your own risk!
Pixelgun logo exclamation.png

I actually have 3 Profile's , and they're named after letters. If you have studied the colours , you will probably know the primary , secondary , and complementary colours. In my characters , they have primary and secondary parts , a gem and I prefer to call their "mixing" a fusion. (If you watch Steven Universe , you probably know this, otherwise this is the spoiler.)

Z and A are the primary gems and they fuse into Y.

A The Light Manipulator

Z has a Crimson tear drop shaped Gem while A has a Cobalt swirling Gem and when they fuse , their gems turn into two taaffeite gems , shaped according to their gems.

And to those who ask what their gender is , Z is a man and A is a woman , Y is a.. she. But she has no gender.

I know what you're thinking , lol , "This is weird, This guy is weird.". Yeah , but Steven Universe is actually really cool. This information can be the kind of tmi , but hey , the more you know. Y is my favourite though , She's a mix of Z and A's personalities , I mean she gets crazy when she fights , turns nice if she's not fighting and she can solidify light or give life to it. There's , like , a million of possibilities I could just insert into her like dna. Sorry, i'm just overreacting.


Wow , You get to know more stuff! Good for yew! 

In-game Information

Gaming Time

I usually play the Game when there are " DAYS OF VALOR " or whenever I feel like doing it.

Weapon Preferences
  • Melee Sadly Neglected for now.
  • Special 
  • Premium

