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This is and image of one a drawing I made ( I am a huge fan of lego ninjago).

Hey there, <insert name here>. My nickname is Primanio ( a mix of SOMETHING SO TERRIBLE, THAT I CAN’T SAY IT!) and I have recently joined the wiki, so I haven't finished my userpage yet. If you are curious:

  • My favorite weapons are:The Swat Rifle. I loved that weapon so much back when quests were still in the game. I loved to use it with Hitman Pistol as it was a silent and accurate duo. However and I hate to say it, but I really liked the Smart Bullet Bazooka, but only if the rest of my weapons were out of ammo. Now I use the Solar Power Cannon
  • My favorite map is: Definitely Destroyed Megalopolis, loved that map so much that I’m sad that it is only available in the Sniper Tournament Now.
  • I have a whopping 1520 total kills and 316 total wins in Pixel Gun 3D.
  • I have Nothing in Pixel Gun World, since I never got to play it.

A bit about my personal life

  • I am a huge fan lego Ninjago and lego in general.
  • I am a muslim
  • I love to play games on my Playstation and mobile like pixel strike 3d the better pixel gun on mobile and Ratchet & Clank, Terraria on Ps4.
  • I like comedians like Dave Chappelle.
  • I like to speak norwegian sometimes like now! Jeg er fra Norge og jeg snakke NO MORE.
  • My favorite game hands down, is inFAMOUS.
  • I’m actually 13 (Now 15 Buster!) years old, however a mistake happened while writing the year of my birth, so it says 2000 instead of 2004.

The memes I enjoy consuming with my eyes

Cowbelly. That‘s all I need to say folks! So please bE kind and LEAVE BEFORE IT IS TO LATE!